EDI Resources

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Resources 

The Guides for Equitable Practice

The Guides for Equitable Practice use real-world-derived best practices, relevant research, and other tools to help foster equitable, diverse, and inclusive firm cultures and work environments. 

The Guides for Equitable Practice, done in partnership with the University of Washington, the University of Minnesota, and The American Institute of Architects’ Equity and the Future of Architecture Committee (EQFA), are a vital part of AIA’s long-term commitment to lead efforts that ensure equity, diversity, and inclusion in architecture—that the architecture profession is as diverse as the nation we serve.

These guides will help members make the business and professional case for ensuring that their organizations meet the career development, professional environment, and cultural awareness expectations of current and future employees and clients.

Racial, ethnic, & gender equity

Learn about the steps the AIA is taking to advance racial justice and equity in our organization, our profession, and our communities. 

Examining the state of diversity in the profession of architecture

Diversity in the Profession of Architecture builds off a 2015 survey to analyze the impact of race, ethnicity, and gender on success in the field of architecture. Read more about these findings in the Executive Summary.

Women in architecture

AIA supports women in architecture through leadership development, career resources, and a highly engaged peer network. Explore all the ways members can benefit and get support for career development.

AIA K-12 pathway initiatives

Learn more about AIA K-12 student resources, opportunities, programs, and activities designed to inspire, nourish, and connect architecture’s next generation.

Bias in architecture report

AIA partnered with the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California Hastings College of the Law to conduct a study on workplace experiences in the architecture profession. The report is a qualitative and quantitative study of bias based on gender and race/ethnicity in the practice of architecture. The Center for WorkLife Law examined how bias plays out in the practice of architecture, how it affects workplace processes, and how it affects outcome measures. 

American Institute of Architects (AIA) component and The National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) chapter Engagement Summary

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and The National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) have prepared a resource brief summarizing opportunities for increased engagement between an AIA component and a NOMA chapter. Organizations wishing to collaborate should consider, together, a collaborative mission that will play on each organization’s unique strengths to achieve a shared goal.

AIA Board Statement on systemic racial justice

Where AIA stands on systemic racial injustice.


Equity focused resources

Component-focused initiatives

CACE Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Conversations

In 20222 we hosted conversations with global workforce expert Dr. Shirley Davis, addressing equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging within components. Attached are notes and documents from each session.


CACE Conversation 1: A Candid Discussion on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging (March 24)

CACE Conversation 2: Integrating Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging into Component Schedules (April 20)

External EDI trainings for association professionals

ASAE DEIA and Conscious Inclusion Micro-Credential Program 

This program aims to empower executives, staff members, members, and volunteers within associations to champion DEIA/CI principles, leveraging associations' leadership roles in their respective professions and industries. Tailored for both trade and professional associations, the micro-credentials will emphasize behavioral approaches, inclusive environment creation, and cultural change management, offering case studies, video stories, self-reflection guides, language resources, and rigorous assessments, culminating in digital badges to signify achievement and expertise in DEIA/Conscious Inclusion.