
Comply with federal and state laws and develop leaders to serve at local, state, and national levels. 

This information is being provided as a resource and is intended for AIA purposes only. It should not be shared or otherwise distributed outside AIA.

Accreditation Requirements


Requirement 1: Adopt and comply with written policies on whistleblower protection, conflicts of interest, and records retention and destruction, and (for staffed components) review of executive director compensation and benefits. Adopt and comply with a policy on joint ventures if the component participates in them. (The IRS states that such policies can improve tax compliance and prevent activity that is inconsistent with tax-exempt status.)

Documentation: Provide a copy of the component’s policies on whistleblower protection, conflicts of interest, and records retention and destruction, and (for staffed components) compensation and benefits reviews for the executive director. If the component engages in joint ventures, provide a copy of the component’s policy on joint ventures.

Primary resource:

AIA written policies: Antitrust, Whistleblower, Conflict of Interest, Code of Ethics, and Record Retention
Sample Executive Compensation-Benefits Policy

Secondary resources:

Executive Compensation (National Council of Nonprofits)
Executive Evaluation and Compensation (BoardSource)
Webinar Recording: Core Service Governance 


Requirement 2: International components only: Comply with applicable laws, regulations, and written policies on privacy in the component’s host country and in geographical region (as in the European Union).

Documentation: Provide a privacy statement congruent with privacy laws and regulations of the component’s host country and region.

Describe how the component educates its leadership and staff about the privacy statement and the applicable laws and regulations. If component utilizes vendors, explain if vendors are held in compliance of privacy regulations.


Requirement 3: Comply with AIA’s policies on antitrust and sexual harassment. 

Documentation: Describe how the component complies with and educates its leadership and members about policies on 1) antitrust compliance and 2) avoidance of sexual harassment. 

Primary resources:

AIA Antitrust Compliance Guidelines
AIA Model Anti-Harassment Policy


Requirement 4: Adopt the institute’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement.

Documentation: Describe how the component upholds AIA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement.

Primary resource:

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Secondary resource:

Components' Public Statements on Racial Injustice


Requirement 5: Review and update bylaws at least once every ten (10) years using the AIA Model Component Bylaws as a guide (although updating every five years is recommended). Submit bylaws to AIA’s General Counsel for review as they are created or amended.

Documentation: Provide a copy of current bylaws, which must include the date they were last amended.

Primary resources:

Model Component Bylaws
Institute Bylaws

Secondary resource:

Articles of Incorporation and AIA Component (Chapter) Charter


Requirement 6: Report names of the upcoming year’s officers to AIA Component Collaboration & Resources annually by December 31 to ensure that new officers receive leadership communications. (NOTE: This is one of the requirements that components will report in their annual accreditation “check-up.”)

Documentation: None needed. AIA will verify that officer rosters have been submitted.


Requirement 7: Provide orientation for the board of directors annually to engage and initiate board members and improve the board’s effectiveness.

Documentation: Provide a PDF of the agenda (or provide a summary) from the last board orientation that outlines the component’s board orientation process and content.

Primary resource:

2022 Sample Component Board Orientation

Secondary resources:

Sample Board Meeting Minutes
Bob Harris' new workbook on good governance
Nomination Process Sample Committee Guidelines (Bob Harris)


Requirement 8: Conduct strategic planning at least every five years and align it with AIA’s strategic plan to provide focus and direction for the component’s activities.

Documentation: Provide a PDF of the component’s most recent strategic plan, which includes the date of adoption.

Primary resources:

Resources for Managing Your Board
How to create a strategic plan

Secondary resources:

AIA’s 2021–2025 Strategic Plan
Should nonprofit boards be a boot camp for corporate executives?
AIA Rules of the Board


Requirement 9: State and Local components only: Comply with all filing requirements for nonprofit organizations in the component’s state. (NOTE: This is one of the requirements that components will report in their annual accreditation “check-up.”)

Documentation: Provide a PDF of the record showing the component is currently registered with their state as a nonprofit corporation.

Primary resource:

State corporation laws and IRS exemption


Requirement 10: International components only: Comply with all filing requirements for nonprofit organizations in the component’s host country. (NOTE: This is one of the requirements that components will report in their annual accreditation “check-up.”)

Documentation: Provide a copy of the record showing the component has filed as a nonprofit corporation within its host country.

Need help with Governance?

AIA National staff are available to help.  We are available to answer questions, brainstorm a strategy, or help you leverage national content, expertise, and program resources so that you can maximize your components successful delivery of services in this core service area.

Executive Office
Caitlin M. Couture, CAE
Senior Director, Governance  
(202) 626 7407

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