Academy of Architecture for Justice

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Sustainable Justice Committee


The AIA/AAJ Sustainable Justice Committee developed out of the following question: “Close your eyes and imagine it is 2030, and everything we have ever hoped for in creating a green, sustainable world has been accomplished. What do you see in the world of " enforcement?” “....detention/corrections?” “....courthouses?” Answering this question has been at the heart of the work of the AIA AAJ Sustainable Justice Committee over the last five years.

Sustainable Justice Guidelines

The AAJ has published the Sustainable Justice Guidelines. This compilation of sustainability goals, metrics, and targets, along with links to the research and built examples that support them, will help to inform all stakeholders in the field of justice architecture of the possibility and potential of building projects to advance shared goals for the justice system and our broader society. The Sustainable Justice Guidelines include 36 detailed strategies supported by evidence-based research and exemplified by AIA award-winning buildings from across North America.

This document contains a set of guidelines for courts, for law enforcement and for detention/corrections; each set has categorized impacts of concern into the societal, community, facility and human scales. Go to the guide

Sustainability in our JFR

The committee has developed criteria to be included in the Justice Facilities Review evaluation process that covers two broad sustainable concepts: COTE’s Ten Measurements of Sustainable Design; and Sustainable Justice criteria from our Sustainable Justice Guide. Both of these concepts were first required for the project to attain Citation level in 2014. In 2015, the committee required each submission to compare their project against the new Sustainable Justice Guidelines.

Restorative Justice

The SJC hosted this event as part of the AAJ Fall Conference 2015 in Miami, FL As one component of a multi-faceted civic development, Miami is looking to plan a new Comprehensive Justice Center. The Miami location presented an ideal opportunity for the SJC to involve the community in a discussion about the project to envision desired outcomes and its impact on improved civic life and to share valuable input to guide the project development process prior to initial planning stages. The visioning serves as a model for best practices in initial stages of project definition.

Watch the video and download the report for the Restorative Justice Visioning Event in Miami at the 2015 AIA-AAJ Fall Conference, including:

  • Information on the planning process
  • Event overview
  • The visioning outcomes
  • Information on participants and stakeholders
  • Assessment on the process/lessons learned

Case studies

In 2014, we crafted a series of case studies with the theme of Sustainable Justice Principles: Restorative Justice in Practice. View the case studies

  • Maricopa County South Court Tower (Gould Evans/AECOM)
  • Lindsey Flanigan Courthouse (Klipp/RicciGreene Associates)
  • Van Cise Simonet Detention Center (Cox Architects/RicciGreene Associates)
  • San Diego Women's Detention Facility (CGL/KMD/HMC+BPA)
  • Union County Juvenile Detention Center (RicciGreene Associates)
  • Mariposa Land Port of Entry (Jones Studio)
Do you have an awesome sustainable story to tell about your favorite project?
Mary Ann Lazarus is now the Justice - Committee on the Environment (COTE) liaison. The Committee is partnering with her and other COTE leadership to develop educational videos featuring sustainable design in justice architecture, which will feature various aspects of COTE’s 10 Measures of Sustainable Design and projects in which they were successfully implemented. Please contact Mary Ann Lazarus or Erica Loynd if you have suggestions for video topics.

Research and white papers

  • Sustainable Justice 2030: Green Guide to Justice 
    This paper is intended to illustrate a vision for the year 2030 that is holistic and elevated in aspiration to create a more just and sustainable society. 
  • Sustainable Justice Guidelines 
    compilation of sustainability goals, metrics, and targets, along with links to the research and built examples that support them, will help to inform all stakeholders in the field of justice architecture of the possibility and potential of building projects to advance shared goals for the justice system and our broader society.
  • Restorative Justice Visioning Report
    A visioning exercise that can serve as a model for community involvement early stage project development

Get involved!

The Committee is developing a public outreach and communications plan with AIA leadership in order to share the advocacy and the tools that Sustainable Justice has developed. With this plan, Sustainable Justice seeks to develop relationships, invite input, and broaden our partnerships. We welcome new participants!

If you have ideas for our outreach or would like to participate, please contact Erica Loynd or Alyse Garbisch.

