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The Practice Management Knowledge Community (PMKC) identifies and develops information on the business of architecture for use by the profession to maintain and improve the quality of the professional and business environment.  The PMKC initiates programs, provides content and serves as a resource to other knowledge communities, and acts as experts on AIA Institute programs and policies that pertain to a wide variety of business practices and trends.

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Self Defense for Architects Article Proof 

10-11-2011 11:49 AM

Attached please find, review and respond to an article being published his week associated with AIA Gerogia's annual conference in Athens, GA. I look forward to hearing from you.

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1 Files
pdf file
Self%20Defense%20for%20Architects.pdf   1.55 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-21-2011


10-21-2011 10:44 AM

The document reuploaded.
can't open either, "The webpage cannot be found."

10-12-2011 01:10 PM

File won't open; just keeps processing...........

10-12-2011 11:10 AM

Nope. Can't open.

10-12-2011 10:47 AM

Ditto. Unable to open file.

10-12-2011 08:52 AM

I don't seem to be able to open the file. When I click on it, I get sent to a "file not found" web page message.