Practice Management

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The Practice Management Knowledge Community (PMKC) identifies and develops information on the business of architecture for use by the profession to maintain and improve the quality of the professional and business environment.  The PMKC initiates programs, provides content and serves as a resource to other knowledge communities, and acts as experts on AIA Institute programs and policies that pertain to a wide variety of business practices and trends.

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AIA Best Practices 

04-15-2019 07:26 AM

The AIA Best Practices have been rearranged by topic to correspond with the 15th edition of the Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice. In a significant effort by the Best Practices Committee and AIA staff over 300 best practice articles were reviewed; aligned by topic with the AHPP, 15th edition; and the articles and the references among articles have been renumbered.   In addition, the Best Practices were graphically updated to extend the theme of the AHPP 15th Edition.

AIA Best Practices represent the collective wisdom of AIA members and related professionals. As a group, they are:

  • A compendium of relevant knowledge gained from experience 
  • Immediately applicable to a task at hand 
  • Distilled to their essentials 
  • Usable information 
  • Linked to related resources 
  • Kept relevant and up-to-date by inviting feedback from practicing professionals  

The scope of knowledge and information that can be included in AIA Best Practices is unlimited. The collective knowledge of AIA and allied members is a realm that is constantly expanding.

Contributions to AIA Best Practices are welcome at any time and in any form. Completed articles are preferred, but ideas and knowledge are most important. If the topic is worthwhile, we will work with you to develop even the barest outline of an idea. Suggestions for topics are also welcome.

We strongly encourage submissions by practicing professionals, allied professionals, strategic partners, and industry consultants. To encourage contributions, there are no submission forms and no submission deadlines. The only criteria are that articles consist of knowledge gained from experience, immediately applicable to a task at hand.

If you have developed a practice you would like to share with your colleagues or have encountered a situation in which the knowledge of others would be of value to you, write to us at  

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