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CEO/Principal peer group organizations

  • 1.  CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-22-2018 02:37 PM



    I have several contractor friends (one a remodeler, one a mid sized GC) that belong to a "Owner per group".  These groups are typically comprised of similar sized/type businesses that operate in different areas of the Country.  The scattered nature of their base of operations allows for sharing of ideas and normally proprietary information because of a lack of competition. Confidentiality agreements are signed by each member as well.


    My friends usually travel from once to several times a year to these meetings which last from 1-3 days. They form lasting friendships and a true bond as they assist each other with business and personnel issues with no fear of losing any competitive advantage they may have in their regional or local marketplace. Financial performance issues are scrutinized and what is successful for one firm is shared with the others.  I trust you understand the idea.  I have searched on-line unsuccessfully for a similar "Architect Peer Group" for my sized firm of around 6 to 8 total personnel (Including myself) with no luck finding any such thing.


    I currently belong to a "CEO group" called TAB (The Alternative Board) which meets monthly to discuss a wide variety of business issues, however, the mix is always different businesses and so there is no sharing of Architecture related professional issues that may be unique to our chosen field.


    Therefore, I am asking this "connected community" if anyone is familiar with such an organization or might be interested in starting one.  I have been in practice for 40 years and feel like I can always learn successful practice methodologies and certainly have experience to share as well.


    Feel free to respond. I'm interested to know your thoughts.


    Best to all,



    Design that works!


    Michael W. Spivey, AIA, NCARB



    147 Wappoo Creek Drive Suite 304

    Charleston, SC 29412



  • 2.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-23-2018 05:37 PM


    This is a great idea.  I'm a couple of people smaller than you (although that varies from time to time).  Probably 'type of work' might be a factor as well; but it's not clear how much.  Certainly there are a range of 'running a business' issues that relate more to size and type of operation; but there are another range of issues in relating to customer driven issues, marketing and producing work, that probably differ rather significantly depending on the mix of work.


    In any event, I'd have some interest in such a group.  Perhaps there might be some 'sorting' that occurs in the responses to your posts that might offer clues to establish what might constitute 'peers' for particular circumstances.




    Michael F. Malinowski FAIA

    President, Applied Architecture Inc


    President Streamline Institute Inc

    2016 AIA California President

    2012-2014 AIA National Director

    2008 President AIA Central Valley

    2007 Chair Sacramento Development Oversight Commission

    2550 X Street Sacramento CA 95818

             Corner of 26th and X

    916 456 2656 voice   916 456 1050 fax

    38 years of sensitive and sensible architectural solutions


  • 3.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-23-2018 06:07 PM
    Michael, by all rights our AIA should provide this type of non-competitor networking, perhaps segmented by firm size. But other than the Practice Management Knowledge Community with 10,000+ members, they don't do anything special focused only on firm leaders. I do, however, have two possible suggestions:

    First, the Chief Executive Network Chief Executive Network - Home. This is a national group of business leaders broken down by type of business and, in fact, there is a separate group just for architecture firms. Only firm leaders can join and attend their meetings. I've had the opportunity to speak at one of their gatherings, and it might be just what you're looking for.  

    Second, and this is intended for larger firms (75+), an organization that I co-founded called A|E Advisors HOME - A|E AdvisorsHOME - A|E Advisors stages an annual CEO Forum only for CEOs (or presidents, managing principals, etc.) of architecture and engineering firms. A|E Advisors is a network of consultants focused exclusively on design firms, and this event is unique in that we limit attendance to no more than 60 firm CEOs. The 13th annual CEO Forum will be February 25-27 in Scottsdale, AZ.

    Raymond Kogan AIA
    Kogan & Company
    Arlington VA

  • 4.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-23-2018 06:20 PM
    Haha, Michael,

    Ironic that you post this at AIA Practice Management.  What you ask for is provided often, I believe, by industry trade orgainizations.  (I thint that the AIA monitors this forum.)  It seems like it would be a simple thing to create at the local AIA Chapter level.  As far as I know, AIA San Diego does not have such a group.

    Please let me know what you discover.

    Bill Adelson, AIA MBA

  • 5.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-23-2018 06:47 PM
    We are a San Francisco based company and we are both architects and builders. In December 2016 we joined the contractor peer group you describe, Remodelers Advantage. We are in a group of about 10 companies, none in the same area so no direct competition.  The group of 10 is broken down to a few micro groups who have a phone or web chat every 3-4 weeks.  The whole group meets twice a tear, spring and fall, the fall meeting gathers the whole organization together for a mini trade conference, 300-400 people, we meet in a few weeks in New Orleans. 

    One of the main differences of RA and just about every other trade or peer group organization I have seen (Design or construction) is the focus on financial management, profit and how to grow your business and make money. We share our detailed financial reports with each other and teach ourselves to improve our business skills.  Architects get together and share pretty pictures.  RA has a very focused plan on how to organize and understand your financial metrics and use them to grow.  I was very reluctant at first, too much architect ego, to much "these yahoo remodeling contractors are not my people", but I got over it, and am now focused on learning all I can from the group and the organization, and I'm on a mission to bring in more Architects who Build to temper all of the Contractors who Design.

    Unfortunately you need to be a contractor to join and show gross revenue of $1.5M in construction. 

    There is a growing architecture peer group organization called EntreArchitect started a number of years ago by a NY architect named Mark LePage. He reached 3,000 on-line members a few months ago.  Mark has a few levels of membership available (and a lot of free content) and if you join at the premier level you can join one of his peer groups. I moderate one of these focused on architects who build or are interested in building or doing their own development.  Mark is trying to create a more organized platform for the peer groups, I have told him a lot about RA, and I think his groups will get better over time. 

    Finally, the AIA Focus group CRAN, is also again trying to organize peer groups so you might research there as well. 

    Jim Zack, AIA principal

    156 south park • san francisco, ca • 94107

    t. 415.495.7889, ext. 201 • f. 415.495.7869

  • 6.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-24-2018 05:53 PM
    The AIA Center for Practice is evaluating just such a peer group network. I encourage anyone interested in helping to facilitate a peer network to reach out to Kathleen Simpson, Director, Firm Engagement who's contact information in on the Center for Practice page at the above link.

    Seth Anderson AIA
    Principal Architect, Ascent Architecture & Interiors
    Former AIA Practice Management Knowledge Community Advisory Group Member
    Bend OR

  • 7.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-30-2018 06:29 PM
    Thanks, Seth. The AIA Center for Practice is indeed working on peer networking through firm roundtables. Some of you have reached out to offer your services as facilitators -- Thank you! I would invite others who are interested to do the same.

    The Center hosted a mixed-size firm roundtable at the A'18 covering: leadership development; future of the profession; financial performance; innovative business models; firm and workplace culture; business development and marketing. We are in the process of expanding the 20-minute roundtable to 90 minutes and adding firm case studies for the A'19 in Las Vegas.

    We are also collecting data on consultants and organizations offering this service (one-time and long-term) in order to discern how we might be able to serve the membership-at-large. Some names I have run across, but have not already been mentioned are listed below. If you have personal experience working with these groups, please feel free to share with the forum. 

    Charette Venture Group
    Professional Development Resources Inc.
    The Greenway Group 
    The Coxe Group 
    Peter Piven Management Consultants

    In addition to the Small Firm Round table toolkit that can be used to start a group in your local area, I will note the AIA Housing and Community Development KC also offers a Peer Network program.

    Thank you for getting the conversation started, Michael. Please stay tuned for details in 2019.

    Kathleen Simpson CAE
    Director, Firm Engagement
    The American Institute of Architects
    Washington DC

  • 8.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-31-2018 06:06 PM
    I wonder if there are similar interests in a forum for sole practitioners. It seems to me there are thousands that make up that sub-group of the Practice Managers among both members and non-members of the AIA. 

    Sole practitioners have many of the same issues as CEOs, but also have our own concerns and interests unique to our situation. Our management has less to do with personnel and overhead management issues, while we have in common things like cash flow, contracting, liability insurance, working with consultants etc. But we also have a different set of concerns with issues like healthcare, staying current with industry trends, plan checking, networking, peer reviews, etc.

    Is there a need for a separate forum for those of us who practice this way?

    Gary Nicholson, AIA

    Nashville, TN

  • 9.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-03-2018 07:24 PM
    Hi gary, in response to your inquiry about sole proprietor peer groups, t\i have mentioned in several responses my suggestion to contact Mark LePage of EntreArchitect about his peer group program...I have mentored to one of these groups and there were several sole proprietors who were very active and vocal in support of their fellow group member issues and inquiries.
    Good luck!

    Steve L. Wintner, AIA Emeritus
    Management Consulting Services
    Georgetown TX 78633-5712

  • 10.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-04-2018 05:39 PM
    Let's not confuse Sole "Practitioner" with Sole "Proprietor".  They mean two different things.  The first, sole practitioner, is a practice with one employee, the business owner. It can be a sole proprietorship or it can be incorporated.  Likewise, a sole proprietorship (non-incorporated, single person owned entity) can have employees or be a sole practice.

    Edward Shannon AIA
    Edward J. Shannon, Architect
    Des Moines IA

  • 11.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-04-2018 05:43 PM
      |   view attached
    Here are more details on the AIA CRAN Peer groups:

    CRAN Peer Groups are an initiative of the Custom Residential Architects Network (aka CRAN), an AIA Knowledge Community. People interested in participating should email me or Luis or (which I monitor). We will be collecting names of interested parties for the next month or two. Attached is a 'flyer' that outlines the program.


    John DeForest, AIA

    DeForest Architects+



    CRAN Peer Groups.Info.pdf   515 KB 1 version

  • 12.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-04-2018 09:25 AM
    Edited by Edward J. Shannon III AIA 09-04-2018 05:45 PM
    RE: Sole Practice - I think there is definitely a need for those of us who are sole practices "by design" to discuss some of the challenges and benefits to this practice model.  I remember an AIA survey a few years back indicating about 30% of member firms being sole practices.  So, it is legitimate business model.  And for many of us, it is a model we choose, by design - not a stepping stone to something "bigger"!  Mark La Page's Entre Architect Face Group page is an excellent forum.  There are sole practitioners who post about some of the issues and challenges we have.  Yet there is no dedicated forum for us. (Hmmmm....maybe someone needs to start one,,,,hmmmm.... could it be me? )  I think Facebook is a better platform for this - need not get AIA's blessing, and it is very convenient to start a page or a group  I will give some thought to doing this.  Stay tuned!

    Edward Shannon AIA
    Edward J. Shannon, Architect
    Des Moines IA

  • 13.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-05-2018 11:29 AM
    The Sole Practitioner Architect (SPA) Facebook Page has officially launched!  As of 10:30 am there are 22 members!   This group will only be as good as its participants.  We look forward to growing this group.  Here is a link to the group where you can request to join.

    Edward Shannon AIA
    Edward J. Shannon, Architect
    Des Moines IA

  • 14.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-05-2018 11:55 AM
    Thank you, Edward. I’ve put in my request to join the group.

    Tara Imani, AIA, NCIDQ, ASID, CSI
    Registered Architect + Interior Designer

    Tara Imani Designs, LLC
    10333 Richmond Avenue, Suite 170
    Houston, TX 77042

    Work/Mobile Ph: 832-723-1798

  • 15.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-05-2018 12:17 PM

    Gary, I agree,  I believe there is a need for a separate forum for sole practitioners.  I worked for many years in a small firm of 4 in a relatively small market.  My frustration with the AIA is that it seems to be geared towards the larger firms in the  larger cities.  As you mention, cash flow, paying for professional liability insurance and carving out time for marketing are real concerns and many times make or break decisions for sole practitioners.  Discussions with peers on how they manage these big decisions would be extremely helpful.  In my own experience I seek out the principals of local firms when attending local AIA or lunch presentation seminars and corner them with a specific question.  I am always surprised at how forthcoming they are with information and suggestions. I call it ambush networking.


    Gary Hintermeister, AIA, NCARB

    Senior Design Project Manager

    Design & Construction

    University of Iowa



  • 16.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-24-2018 05:55 PM
    Hi Michael, my name is Steve Wintner, I am a retired architect, and since have been a self-employed management consultant to my professional colleagues.  I read your request for some type of peer group that is connected to our profession and immediately thought of Mark LePage and his Entreprenuerial Architect group.  Mark is a practicing, small-firm architect with his wife AnnMarie, in FiveCat Studios in Westchester County, NY.

    A part of Mark's EA group is another aspect called EntreArchitect, which consists of a number of peer groups, moderated by another architect with more experience.  I have been associated with one of Mark's groups in the past and I think you would find this to be an appropriate place for you to consider.  The website is amd Mark cam be reached by phone at 914.747.1177 and by email at 
     "Mark R. LePage" <> .  By all means do let Mark know you received his contact info from me.

    If you have the time, I would very much like to talk with you about your involvement in The Advisory Board (TAB).  I am considering joining and would welome your thoughts on your experience thus far, thanks.

    I can be reached at the 281 number beolow and this email address.


    "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." – A. Einstein  

    Steve L. Wintner, AIA Emeritus
    281.723.2090 (O), 512.943.8714 (H)
    Georgetown, TX 78633-5712

  • 17.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-24-2018 09:32 AM
    Michael:  Very good idea, especially like the focus on design/constr allied groups and firms of similar size.  We're an 8 person firm in NJ and would definitely be interested in working with you on this.

    Bob Krieger
    Dahn & Krieger Architects Planners PC
    363 Prospect Avenue
    Hackensack NJ  07601
    201 489 8575

    Robert Krieger AIA
    Dahn & Krieger Architects Planners, PC
    Hackensack NJ

  • 18.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-24-2018 05:31 PM
    I found this: Small Firm Round Table Organizational Toolkit - SPP - SmallFirmExchange
    Perhaps one has been started in an AIA chapter near you or this can help you start one.

    Jerry Foster AIA
    Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects LLP
    Washington DC

  • 19.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-27-2018 07:06 PM
    I, too, would be very interested in participating in such a group, if the focus were on how to manage and grow a firm, how to train the next generation of leaders, how best to communicate value to clients and potential clients, how to increase profitability - the business of architecture.
    I am a founding principal of a 22-year-old practice in Philadelphia.

    Mary Holland AIA
    CICADA Architecture/Planning, Inc.
    Philadelphia PA

  • 20.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-28-2018 02:41 PM

    Mary (and all):
    i could not agree with you more. This discussion group aside I have always felt the AIA gives little to no support to actual practicing architects. I am a founding principal of a 19 year old firm of 28 people in three states.  I would welcome a group that focused on issues important to principals and managing partners; folks who run businesses and are active daily architects. As Mary mentioned, support on managing and growing a firm would be helpful. Being able to discuss methods for sharing of or transitioning of ownership and hiring and growing employees would be incredibly beneficial.

    Moreover, it would be refreshing to have a peer group focused on practical issues such as inconsistency of codes, liability associated with accessibility, personal liability laws for professionals in some states such as Florida or even what are the true reasons so few interns actually become licensed. The only group I have found thus far that comes even close is the ACEC which is for engineers. However, I have been to many events and seminars they have hosted and they provide professional support and leadership growth that I truly wish the AIA would add to its list of priorities.

    I will keep my eye on this discussion for any movement toward the formation of a group or suggestion of a good one for small to mid sized firms (or frankly, one open to all firms would be of most interest. We can all learn from each other's experiences).

    [ Nea May] [Poole] AIA
    [Poole & Poole Architecture, LLC]
    [Richmond, ] [Virginia]

  • 21.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-29-2018 05:45 PM
    This is a pretty good program based here in San Diego, and also in Florida and Michigan.  They might have (or would consider) and Architects peer group.

    Bill Adelson, AIA MBA

  • 22.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-30-2018 04:06 PM
    It is interesting to see/hear that there are more Architects concerned
    about the business aspects of our Profession.....not "Industry" by the
    Small firms have the same concerns as the starchitects. However, more
    often the concerns managing and operating small firms is more critical.
    In my former life I concerned myself with the Design. Somewhere ....back
    there I became aware of the more important issues
    Firm Management
    Business Operations
    Client Acquisition/Marketing
    Client Mgmnt.
    Getting Paid......not dirty words...."making money"!
    Staying Current..... most important.
    Staying current involves networking which runs through all of your
    queries and concerns expressed in the past posts
    I seek out opportunities to gather among colleagues through Cont Edu.
    tutorials and seminars. The most recent will be a NY State AIA  Small
    Firm Symposium this Fall
    As some said    the AIA is more than somewhat lax in providing these
    opportunities to gather and exchange,learn through sharing experiences
    with those among us regarding business!
    One of you also said ACEC does provide such ......which is true from
    personal experience I provide Training and
    Professional Development (T/PD) programs focused toward the emerging
    professionals who like us who did not and those now who do not get
    business readiness programs in Academia. There was not is not any such
    thing in the "A" schools. And so now, whatever I learn ,I share with
    those who will follow after.
    Keep up this dialogue and turn it into something concrete.
    Steve.... I did check your reference and came away with something
    called....The Round Table Tool Kit....A model for sharing knowledge! 
    (Small Project Practitioners). It's a simple course to...."next week we
    have to get that we're organized , what do
    we do?. It should be a groundwork to help small practitioners who are
    otherwise overloaded with current technology and multitasking.As well,
    it should promote members professional development via local seminars
    and member interaction....creating their own sharing network.
    Go.....get it on!
    Charles P. Lazarou   Architect

  • 23.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-28-2018 05:20 PM

    This sounds like a great idea. I hope we're able to make something of it.


    Steve Davis, AIA




    Architecture  Planning  Interior Design


    129 S. President Street

    Jackson, Mississippi





  • 24.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-28-2018 06:53 PM
    Hi Mary, as I mentioned to Michael Spivey last week, you might look into the peer group created by fellow architect Mark Le Page, it's called EntreArchitect. It a peer group with more than 100 members around the USA.  They meet via Skype every week, on different days for each group.  If you contact Mark (see below), by all means let him know I suggested you contact him, to learn more.  Hope this works for you.

    Mark LePage: and 914.747.1177 in Westchester County, NY.


    "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." – A. Einstein  

    Steve L. Wintner, AIA Emeritus
    281.723.2090 (O), 512.943.8714 (H)
    Georgetown, TX 78633-5712

  • 25.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-29-2018 09:52 AM

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have gone to the EntreArchitect site and it looks really interesting and certainly worth the small investment. I see you are a contributor and look forward to seeing your master class. I will be joining and plan to explore what the group offers. I will certainly circle back here to give everyone a honest opinion; hopefully this is a group that will benefit all of us architect/entrepreneurs.

    Again, thanks for the lead.

    [ Nea May] [Poole] AIA
    [Poole & Poole Architecture, LLC]
    [Richmond, ] [Virginia]

  • 26.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-30-2018 05:31 PM

    There is also a closed Facebook group called The EntreArchitect Community. You can ask to join.


    Steve Davis, AIA




    Architecture  Planning  Interior Design


    129 S. President Street

    Jackson, Mississippi





  • 27.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-28-2018 07:09 PM
    I would also be interested, should that be the focus.
    I am founding Principal for a 15 year old practice in the Dominican Republic with 13 Architects + support staff.

    Rafa Selman
    Principal | MArch, AIA Int'l Assoc.
    m. 809.224.9656 o. 809.472.1070
    m. USA 786.303.2245
    twitter: @selmanasociados

    AVISO DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: Esta comunicación contiene información propiedad de Selman y Asociados Estudio de Arquitectura la cual es confidencial y/o legalmente privilegiada. La información aquí contenida es para uso único de la(s) persona(s) o entidad(es) nombradas arriba. Si usted no es el destinatario de esta información, se le notifica que cualquier divulgación, copia, distribución o cualquier acción que tome en relación a dicha información está estrictamente prohibida. Si usted ha recibido esta comunicación por error, por favor elimínela de su computadora y notifíquenos inmediatamente.

    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: This communication contains information belonging to Selman y Asociados Estudio de Arquitectura which is confidential and/or legally privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of said information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication by error, please delete it from your computer and notify us immediately.

  • 28.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-28-2018 06:09 PM

    Great conversation!

    I was talking with a contractor about this 3 months ago.  I asked him for recommendations as he has access to many 'peer' groups all over the country.

    I started a small specialty firm in Nebraska (3-5 employees) 5 years ago.  Prior to this I was an Owner and board member of a 100 person E/A firm.  While at that firm we had great access to resources.  As a small firm, I have really missed the 'sounding board' you have with the diversity available at a larger firm.  I think working with several peer firms would be a great resource!

    If there is enough interest here, I am willing to collect names and begin an email conversation with interested parties to see if we can build a peer group.

    Let me know if you are interested by emailing me at the office:


    Jeff Ahl

    Jeffrey Ahl AIA
    arCuretecture, Inc.
    Lincoln NE

  • 29.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-30-2018 10:03 AM
    I am interested in participating with this peer group as well. I am the founding principal of a 14 year old practice with a team of 10 architects/designers. I know I still have a tremendous amount to learn and maybe even a little something to offer here and there. I'll keep my eye on this thread with the hope that we can get a thoughtful (and convenient) forum established.

    Edwin Smart AIA
    smartDESIGN Architecture
    Batavia NY

  • 30.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 08-31-2018 05:20 AM
    For those of you who mentioned trying to form your own peer groups, while a good idea and ambitious, I would urge you to get involved in an existing orginization that can provide some support, resources and most importantly a broader base of potential members.  Having been involved in a few groups in the last two years one of the main problems is keeping attendance up and everyone involved.  People are excited at the start but attendance drops off quickly and day-to-day tasks tend to get in the way.  Having some structure is also helpful.  EntreArchitect provides this.  Also, based on experience, one a week meetings are to much, twice a month or every three weeks is better, once a month seems not enough.  Also there needs to be a system to establish goals, keep everyone on their toes and moving forward.  Finally, based on my experience with a contractors group, focusing on financials is a breakthrough, being open to sharing to get feedback key. Establishing some systems to understand the line between making a profit and just getting paid is essential.

    As I mentioned in a previous post there is also a current effort as part of CRAN to organize some peer groups.  The one I am part of was put together by a CRAN member in Seattle, but as part of a larger AIA/CRAN effort.  I am trying to find out the contact and will post it if I get it.

    Jim Zack AIA
    Architect / Principal
    Zack/de Vito Architecture + Construction
    San Francisco CA

  • 31.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-03-2018 07:15 PM
    Jim, it has been my goal to provide assistance to any of my professional colleagues, based on my experience over a 60+ year career as an architect (both small firm managing principal and VP-Dir. of Ops for Gensler).  Some 20+ year ago, I began developing my own proprietary financial management system by creating a workshop with that focus.  i taught that FM workshop for 18+ years, under the auspices of The AiA, at their annual national convention, state AIA components, local AIA Chapter  component programs, and for numerous professional design firms.
    I totally agree with you about those interested in joining a peer group, to identify one that has been established and has excellent resources like Mark LePage's EntreArchitect,  I have been a mentor to one of their peer groups and found the members to be very willing to share their knowledge and experience.
    While still active as a management consultant, I have taken on mentoring and prro-bono activities to suport my professional colleagues in learning the benefits of my P2P Format proprietary FM system to enhance their firm's effectiveness, efficiency and profitability.  I am delighted to extend my 'mentoring services' to you and any of the other PMK Discussion Board members that might be interested.
    I can be reached at the email address shown below, or by replying directly to this post.
    Thank you again for keeping this discussion going.

    Steve L. Wintner, AIA Emeritus
    Management Consulting Services
    Georgetown TX 78633-5712

  • 32.  RE: CEO/Principal peer group organizations

    Posted 09-05-2018 10:10 AM
    Just returned from a 10 day vacation that occurred right after my original post.  I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and suggestions. I'll be reviewing everyone's comments and exploring the options out there over the next couple of weeks.  I plan to circle back to the group if I find something that works for me. 

    It is critical, I think, that such a forum group be reasonably small...maybe a maximum of 10 to 12 members and that the group be from various parts of the country so as to be non-competitive. This allows for free easier flowing financial information and unique operations suggestions and ideas.

    Thanks again to everyone and I look forward to reaching out again later.

    Michael Spivey AIA
    President, CEO
    Spivey Architects, Inc.
    Charleston SC