
On October 4, 2024, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) held an in-person and virtual one-day conference, U.S. Climate Heritage in the International Context. Co-convened by ACHP Chair Sara C. Bronin and Georgetown Law Professor J. Peter Byrne, the event was co-sponsored by the American Institute of Architects, the Georgetown University Law Center, Georgetown Climate Center, Cornell Law School, and Cornell Center for Social Sciences, and featured leaders who addressed domestic and international climate heritage. In light of the first multi-agency (ACHP) U.S. federal policy statements on Climate Change and Historic Preservation and ...
Historic properties can be made more sustainable, energy-efficient, and resilient, improving their performance and use while also preserving their historic character. Doing so not only improves their efficiency and livability but helps to ensure their long-term preservation. The NPS has been providing guidance and technical preservation information on these issues for decades. Visit their new Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Resilience & Historic Buildings Webpage for links to current NPS guidance and information and for easy access to further explore these topics. ...
Beginning in the upcoming fiscal year, (FY 2025: October 2024 through September 2025), NPS Technical Preservation Services will publish its annual guidance, training, and outreach work plan and offer the opportunity for the public to submit comments and suggestions for current and future plans. The FY 2025 work has been published on the NPS website Technical Preservation Services Annual Work Plan - Technical Preservation Services (U.S. National Park Service) ( The plan includes both in-progress/continuing—as well as new—guidance, training, and other technical preservation information that TPS intends to undertake in 2025. Comments and suggestions ...
The Heritage Documentation Programs (Historic American Buildings Survey / Historic American Engineering Record / Historic American Landscapes Survey), a division of the National Park Service, is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Charles E. Peterson Prize Competition. A student competition of measured drawings, the Charles E. Peterson Prize is presented jointly by HDP, by the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, by the American Institute of Architects, and by the Association for Preservation Technology. The annual competition, currently in its 41st year, honors Charles E. Peterson, FAIA (1906-2004), a founder of the HABS program, and is intended to heighten ...
The U.S. Southeast is reeling from Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton damage and loss. These storms have hit close to home and we stand with our preservation partners in this region. The AIA is actively working with state and local chapters to support impacted communities. For more information on the AIA resources, please visit In addition, the Association for Preservation Technology International (APTI) is active in these efforts. The Disaster Response Initiative Task Group (DRI), formed in 2017 is a group spearheaded by the Preservation Engineering Technical Committee ...
The AIA Historic Resources Committee is pleased to once again host our annual Knowledge Community Luncheon. Join us to network with your fellow preservation architects, get an update on what HRC is doing in 2024 and take away lessons for your practice while enjoying food and stimulating conversation! This year, our topic for discussion will be Stewardship in the Monumental Core of Washington, D.C. The monumental core of Washington, D.C. is a rich tapestry and cultural landscape of iconic museums, memorials, and public spaces that belong to and are enjoyed by visitors and residents year-round. What does it take for the owners of these precious public resources ...
An intimate group of 37 Architects, State Preservation Officers, and other preservation industry professionals met April 5-6 at Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece Taliesin West to take a deep dive into the topic of how historic buildings and properties might adapt to the dynamic and critically important issues of climate, equity, and resiliency. Day one We began at the macro level of strategies that organizations are using, and continued into the micro level of informative and inspirational case studies illustrating a range of projects that have successfully integrated such adaptations. Focused panel discussions and plenty of networking time with peers ...
Calling all AIA24 attendees! Washington D.C. is gearing up for a landmark event in architecture and design, and you won't want to miss it. This year's AIA Conference on Architecture & Design (AIA24) is bringing together the brightest minds in AEC for four power-packed days (June 5-8) Be sure to mark your calendar for the official HRC event, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. AIA24 boasts a lineup of incredible sessions designed to inspire, educate, and connect you with the future of design. This is your chance to dive deep into the latest trends, network with industry leaders, and discover innovative solutions to today's most pressing challenges. ...
The Traditional Building Conference Series delivers focused, relevant education and training for architects, contractors, craftspeople, designers, building owners and facilities managers in a time efficient format for AIA Continuing Education Credits. Featuring industry experts and practitioners, the Traditional Building Conference Series faculty present a mix of hands-on construction techniques, methods and materials, classical design, urban planning, and sustainable building practice for updating and preserving traditional and historic buildings of all types. The next conference will take place March 26-27, 2024 at the historic University ...
The construction industry is a significant emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs), from the production of materials to the heating, cooling and maintenance of existing buildings and infrastructure. To achieve emission reduction targets by 2050, new low carbon technologies and tools are needed to support further advancements in the construction sector. New solutions will support these requirements, including lifecycle performance of buildings and infrastructure, digitalization, construction practices and materials. From a regulatory perspective, there are multiple paths to achieve net zero. This provides an opportunity to advocate for careful system upgrades ...
Building upon the tremendous success of the 2023 Taliesin Colloquium, the HRC Task Force has been meeting quarterly to continue our conversations about the SOI Standards, challenging topics regarding context, interpretation and how we might each adapt to a changing world view. The latest virtual meeting was held February 7, 2024, which focused on training and education. Among the training opportunities currently offered are programs in place through the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) . And the North Carolina Department of Cultural and Natural Resources SHPO CLG Training - YouTube .
AIA24 HRC Luncheon EV215 | June 6 | 1 2 –   2 pm | The Marriott Marquis Washington, DC | Cost: $115 The monumental core of Washington, DC is a rich tapestry and cultural landscape of iconic museums, memorials, and public spaces that belong to and are enjoyed by visitors and local residents year round . What does it take for the owners of these precious public resources to be stewards of these significant places ? Join the AIA Historic Resources Committee (HRC) for a lively conversation about stewardship in the monumental core of Washington, DC with some of the leading professional charged with their ...
By Lorraine Minatoishi, AIA Dear HRC members, Welcome to Spring 2024! Our committee has been working diligently to ensure that we provide engaging seminars and luncheons, legislative direction, and task force member engagement. Our goals set for 2023 were the following: Provide value and tangible benefits to our membership through shared knowledge and advocacy Promote networks and partnerships with preservation groups as well as other KCs to support climate action, justice, and equity Actively engage/advise with AIA overall on preservation related items Provide various educational opportunities ...
A top policy priority for the preservation community is reauthorizing the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF). In recent AIA HRC monthly meetings and Specs on the Union updates (next and final of 2023 will occur Nov. 1), AIA Federal Relations staff have informed the knowledge community of the need to reauthorize the HPF before its September 30 expiration. AIA supports legislation, which remains without a Senate companion, that will increase the authorized amount of funding for the HPF and extend its authorization for ten years – fundamental updates for this well-established and successful program. The AIA Federal Relations team is continuing to work diligently with ...

Peterson Prize Winners

HDP Announces Peterson Prize Winners The Heritage Documentation Programs (Historic American Buildings Survey / Historic American Engineering Record / Historic American Landscapes Survey), a division of the National Park Service, is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Charles E. Peterson Prize Competition. A student competition of measured drawings, the Charles E. Peterson Prize is presented jointly by HDP, the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, the American Institute of Architects, and the Association for Preservation Technology. The annual competition, currently in its 40th year, honors Charles E. Peterson, FAIA (1906-2004), a founder of ...
PastForward 2023 will take place November 8-10, 2023, in Washington, DC. Come celebrate the power of place and join fellow preservationists and preservation lovers at the nation’s premier conference for those who work to save, sustain, and interpret historic places. At PastForward 2023, attendees will be empowered with effective tools and inspiring perspectives. PastForward itself is a community, a powerful network of preservationists and allies that we strengthen when we gather, celebrate, and learn together. Connecting with a broad, diverse range of colleagues from across the country, PastForward 2023 attendees will come together in our nation’s ...
Greetings AIA HRC Members! The HRC Advisory Board has had a busy year and planning for 2024 is well underway! Collaboration has been a key component of our work this past year in reestablishing relationships with many of our partners, holding in-person gatherings and our work on continuing the conversation regarding the SOI Standards. An update on the SOI Standards discussion following Taliesin 2023: • Working with our partners at the NPS Technical Services branch, we are pleased to announce that several valuable learning opportunities on the Standards will be offered at the AIA’24 Convention in DC next June. Specifically, an all-day workshop ...
Let’s take a look at the Historic Resources Committee. People often think of “historic resources” as object buildings to be preserved or reused if they are deemed important enough. Most architects probably think the role of the Historic Resources Committee is to “preserve architectural heritage,” as a single focus, but there is a much bigger role to play. Historic Resources touch on many different facets of design, our community, and our future. It’s easy to understand that reusing an existing building reduces the amount of material going to the landfill but, exiting buildings can have a greater impact and should be part of a larger conversation. ...
CEUs Available at PastForward Online 2020 Celebrate the power of place, virtually, with more than a thousand preservationists and preservation lovers at the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s online conference for those who work to save, sustain, and interpret historic places— PastForward Online 2020, October 27–30 . Continuing Education Units (CEUs) have been submitting to both American Planning Association (APA) and American Institute of Architects (AIA). At this point 32 CM credits have been approved by APA, and 25 HSW credits from AIA. There is also an architects/design professional zoom gathering Friday October 30th 6:00-7:00pm
Greetings from HRC! We are all navigating so many challenges through the pandemic—both personally and professionally. We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy. As HRC members, we wanted to point out the unique perspective we all are fortunate to have—which might serve as a helpful reminder during this challenging time: We take the “long view”: We see our buildings in terms of decades/generations—not just months/years. Preservationists are eternal optimists: We can always see potential—even in the most dire of buildings. Quality over quantity: We appreciate the tangible value of materials and character in our communities. Inspired by ...