Academy of Architecture for Health

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Who we are

The Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH) provides knowledge which supports the design of healthy environments by creating education and networking opportunities for members of – and those touched by – the health care architectural profession.

View the AAH organization chart and strategy documents >

COVID-19 resources for health care design

You can contribute information to the AIA COVID-19 project database, and view all submitted projects. Visit the Alternative Care Sites preparedness site to learn important areas to evaluate when selecting ACSs for the care and treatment of COVID-19 or surge capacity patients.

Explore additional resources for health care facilities >

Pillars of Health Care Architecture

By Brian D. McLaren AIA posted 12-31-2017 12:00 AM


An Ongoing Collaborative Alliance

The six organizations below are allied to advance health care architecture. The AIA Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH) was founded in 1945, and three of the other organizations were created by members of AAH to advance specific aspects of the profession. The leaders of all six organizations have committed to foster collaboration where it is beneficial and to improve our collective efficiency by clarifying the roles of each group to avoid duplication of services. Each organization remains fully independent, but members of all six groups meet regularly to continue to enrich this important alliance. We urge you to visit each organization’s website to learn more.

AIA Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH)

American College of Healthcare Architects (ACHA)

The Foundation for Health Environments Research (FHER) 

Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) 

The Center for Health Design (CHD)

Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (NIHD)