COVID-19 resources for healthcare facilities
AIA Alternative Care Sites assessment brief and tool [link]
The goal of these assessment tools is for architects to help hospital and other public health agencies identify appropriate adaptive reuse sites such as convention centers, sports arenas, community centers, hotels, dormitories, or other spaces for occupancy during the pandemic.
Industry Resources reviewed and referenced in AIA Alternative Care Sites assessment tool:
- HHS Federal Healthcare Resilience Task Force Alternate Care [link]
- CDC Considerations for ACS [link]
- IAHSS ACS – Med-Surg Capacity [link]
- ASHRAE Technical Resources [link]
AIA COVID-19 project database and form [survey] [data map]Architects, designers, engineers and facility owners are asked to contribute COVID-19 project information to the survey below to increase information sharing and to support the development of best practices for responding to pandemics.
American Society of Healthcare Engineers’ COVID-19 resources for health care facilities [link] CDC’s healthcare facility preparedness checklist [link]Help your healthcare clients prepare for and respond to infectious disease threats with this checklist from the CDC.
Center for Health Design’s COVID-19 resources for healthcare facilities and designers [link]HHS’s COVID-19 healthcare planning checklist [PDF]This checklist from the US Department of Health and Human Services can be used by architects advising their healthcare clients on near-term COVID-19 needs as well as inform future pandemic planning.
USACE Alternative care sites implementation process [link]Understand the state-led and managed process of implementing Alternative Care Sites (ACS) and US Army Corps of Engineers considerations.
More COVID-19 resources from AIAFor resources on how to continue your business operations during the pandemic as well as broader design and technical resources, please refer to the
COVID-19 resources for architects page.
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