Regional and Urban Design Committee

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Who we are

The Regional and Urban Design Committee (RUDC) aims to improve the quality of the regional and urban environment by promoting excellence in design, planning, and public policy in the built environment. This will be achieved through its member and public education, in concert with allied community and professional groups. Join us!

2024 Symposium

The 2024 symposium will be held in Indianapolis, IN in November. Stay tuned for dates and location. Registration will open in July.

2024 Prospectus

RUDC has sponsorship opportunities for its 2024 events. See the 2024 RUDC Prospectus to for an option that fits your firm or company.

2023 RUDC Symposium

The RUDC Symposium, held in Washington, DC October 19-20, covered emerging trends, theories, and technologies that are shaping the future of regional and urban design. Watch the engaging highlight and speaker videos >.

Resilient Design: The Regional and Urban Scale (Handout) 

11-24-2014 09:23 AM

The historically the foundation of the architectural and planning profession began with the designing of buildings and cities that fit and functioned with its place - its location, its climate. Climate change and the associated impacts, along with exponential population growth and the over-consumption of resources associated with that growth, is rapidly degrading the system balance. This balance contributes to economic stability, natural resource renewal and our quality of life. This out-of-balance, stresses the natural systems ability to provide the basic services essential for life - clean water, air and a productive soil. For thousands of years architects have been ingenious in their ability to design solutions that solve for environmental challenges. Recent examples are the green and sustainable design movement focused on solving challenges of creating healthy, energy efficient buildings. Resilient design incorporates those missions but also includes the designs' ability to adapt to changing conditions. In general systems theory the process is to start by understanding the system larger than the project - for example when working on a building-site design first learn the urban pattern it is part of. Resilient design is a design initiative and philosophy that is informed by the larger system. Region to urban, urban to neighborhood, neighborhood to architecture - each informed by the other. Resilient design builds on our professions history by promoting adaptive and adoptive solutions to architecture and the urban and regional scale - design challenges that are responsive to dynamic and changing conditions at a scale commensurate with the challenge. Download the PDF handout below.

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Uploaded - 11-24-2014