Weather-event Sandy revealed a need to get better at preparing our hospitals to be fully operational during extreme weather. Such events occur more frequently in the Caribbean, where proactive architects and engineers are incorporating hardening design features well in excess of local hospital code requirements. This session will share lessons-learned from an internationally recognized Caribbean-based expert. Learning Objectives: 1. Become conversant with weather event related areas of vulnerability to mission-critical hospital operations. 2. Increase awareness of the role design professional advocacy in helping a hospital client understand that the most expensive hospital facility is the one that fails when it is needed the most. 3. Gain familiarity with storm hardening assessment and client education tools like the “Hospital Safety Index”. 4. Learn of strategies that have been used to add hospital storm hardening design features beyond code minimums. Presenters: Tony Gibbs, FREng Consulting Engineers Partnership, Ltd. Moderators: John Kreidich, Jr., AIA, AAH Webinar Leader Manager, Healthcare Services, McCarthy Building Companies#HealthcareEssentials #Storms #NaturalDisasters #health #Wind #AcademyofArchitectureforHealth #Hurricanes #Water #Sandy #Webinars
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