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The Practice Management Knowledge Community (PMKC) identifies and develops information on the business of architecture for use by the profession to maintain and improve the quality of the professional and business environment.  The PMKC initiates programs, provides content and serves as a resource to other knowledge communities, and acts as experts on AIA Institute programs and policies that pertain to a wide variety of business practices and trends.

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2016 Announcements about Developments: ProNet Scholarship 

06-09-2016 05:52 PM

ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT DEVELOPMENTS With respect to the a/e ProNet David W. Lakamp AIA Practice Management Scholarship The attached document is the full text of Tom Coghlan's announcement during the PM Luncheon at AIA Convention 2016. Within, he shares about the history of this scholarship and the man it is named for, and shares several announcements about the scholarship itself.

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e ProNet Scholarship Announcements and History   70 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 06-22-2016
From Tom Coghlan's presentation at the Practice Management Luncheon, Friday, May 20, 2016