Practice Management

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The Practice Management Knowledge Community (PMKC) identifies and develops information on the business of architecture for use by the profession to maintain and improve the quality of the professional and business environment.  The PMKC initiates programs, provides content and serves as a resource to other knowledge communities, and acts as experts on AIA Institute programs and policies that pertain to a wide variety of business practices and trends.

PM Discussion Board ->

2014: 3D Printing as Disruptive Innovation in Emerging Practice 

11-24-2014 10:00 AM

3D printing or Additive Manufacturing is a disruptive innovation that could potentially create new markets and value networks for both emerging and established practices. As the technology becomes part of mainstream architectural services and project delivery, what kind of changes would this bring? What are the advantages and disadvantages of different 3D printing processes as it relates to cost reduction and marketing? This webinar explores the advantages and caveats of 3d Printing technology in architecture and design practices through a series of three presentations provided by design scientist Melissa Sterry, Royal Academy of Dutch Architects Professor Janjaap Ruijssenaars and NRI’s Digital Fabrication Specialist. This presentation is a part of the ongoing AIA Practice Management Knowledge Community webinar series.

#design #PracticeManagementKnowledgeCommunity #Future #3d #tap #EmergingPractice #sustainability #Materiality #PMKC

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Handout AIA 3D Printing Presentation.pdf   16.64 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-24-2014