Custom Residential Architects Network

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Who we are

The Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN®) Knowledge Community develops knowledge and information to benefit architects who are engaged in, or who are interested in learning more about, custom residential practice. CRAN® presents information and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise to promote the professional development of its members via discussion forums, national symposia and conventions, publications, and local activities.

2024 CRAN® Symposium

September 18-22

The Westin Seattle
1900 5th Avenue 
Seattle, Washington 98101

Registration will open in July 2024.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Download the prospectus for the CRAN forum at AIA24 and the CRAN Symposium sponsorships. 

2016 CRAN Prospectus 

12-08-2015 12:53 PM
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2016 CRAN Prospectus   800 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-08-2015
The mission of the Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN), a Knowledge Community of the American Institute of Architects, is to encourage and promote custom residential architecture and residential architects. To that end, CRAN makes a point of developing ongoing relationships with industry stakeholders. CRAN’s main educational event, the annual CRAN Symposium, provides an opportunity for industry stakeholders to meet and interact with residential professionals from across the USA. CRAN welcomes as sponsors companies that share a commitment to excellence in residential architecture and design. CRAN will be hosting its ninth annual national symposium, “Elevating the Art of Residential Design and Practice,” in Santa Rosa, California, from September 18 - 22, 2016. The event will focus on educating residential practitioners about recent design innovations, practice management, and sustainable building techniques, sharing best practices, and developing long-lasting relationships between practitioners and industry stakeholders.