This webinar, presented by Michael Fifield, FAIA, AICP, Professor of Architecture and Director of the Housing Specialization Program at the University of Oregon, will demonstrate various principles for designing smaller dwelling units on smaller lots as a means of achieving greater energy efficiency, affordability, and long-term sustainability
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This presentation discusses how to convert mission and principles into design-based action, a new tool, the SEED Evaluator
See matching library entry files - The SEED Network established a professional comm...
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The study compared reactions of the public to a new courthouse designed along principles of the modernistic era and an old courthouse building with a traditional Italian style
Understand the history and principles of generative design and parametric modeling. 2
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Evidence-based healthy design principles – integrated in the campus landscape and co-created by the client, architect, and a team of public health researchers – promote healthy eating, nutrition education, physical activity, and well-being as a response to the national childhood obesity epidemic
Buckingham County Primary & Elementary Schools at the Carter G. Woodson Education Complex.pdf
This webinar is part of a series sponsored by the Housing Knowledge Community on AIA KnowledgeNet. Public Interest Design is a quickly growing sector of the practice of Architecture. For the last ten years, evidence has been growing that this type of practice is growing and becoming an...
See matching library entry files - Design has an important role in achieving this m...
This webinar is part of a series sponsored by the Regional and Urban Design community on AIA KnowledgeNet. The goal of LEAN is to provide the desired amount of product or service at the right time and at the highest possible level of quality with zero waste. Understanding and applying the...
PMKC201501 Full Presentation.pdf
The historically the foundation of the architectural and planning profession began with the designing of buildings and cities that fit and functioned with its place - its location, its climate. Climate change and the associated impacts, along with exponential population growth and the over...
Handout PDF.pdf
The Design-Build Institute of Americas has published a series of Design-Build Best Practices for both public and private construction as well as Federal procurement. Understanding the Best Practices and developing implementation strategies based on the best practices leads to improved project...
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See matching library entry files - For ease of reference, this document is organize...