
Personal Greeting Morgan Jones, AIA

The STEAM Engine
2000 points

Contact Details

The STEAM Engine
Oklahoma City, OK


I am an architectural intern at a medium-sized firm in Oklahoma City. I graduated from Oklahoma State University in May of 2010 with a Bachelor of Architecture with Honors. I fell in love with architecture after completing a two-week summer program after my junior year of high school, but it wasn't until my fourth-year in college that architecture became "real." As I was introduced to project management, phasing, budgets, site constraints, and client expectations, I began to realize that designing buildings is only a small fraction of this obsession we call architecture.

My summer internship solidified my love for the practice of architecture. I began to see that architecture and design are a way of business, and that what we are taught in school only goes so far. After completing the two management courses and one real-estate development course offered by the School of Architecture, I sought
opportunities in the Business School. I realized I wanted to re-design the business of architecture.


Oklahoma State University
Bachelor of Architecture, Honors
2005 To 2010

Job History

LWPB Architecture
Architectural Intern
October 2010 - present

Oklahoma State University
Teachers Assistant for the College of Architecture
August 2009 - May 2010

Oklahoma State University
Success Coach Leader for the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology
August 2009 - November 2009

Oklahoma State University
Success Coach for the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology
August 2008 - November 2008

Oklahoma State University
Parent Orientation Coordinator with the Office of New Student Orientation
January 2008 - August 2008

Oklahoma State University
Student Orientation Leader with the Office of New Student Orientation
March 2007 - August 2007