Project Delivery

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  • 1.  update to Section 179D

    Posted 08-16-2022 08:23 PM

    Many of you have received my Green Tax Incentive Compendium in the past - the July 2022 version is at the link below.



    I am currently UPDATING the Green Tax Incentive Compendium to include the numerous changes to the energy tax credit and other clean technology tax incentives in the Climate Bill enacted TODAY.  One key change impacting designers is the update to Section 179D allowing non-profit project owners to transfer the tax benefit to designers.


    Connect and email me if you'd like to like to receive this AUGUST 2022 UPDATE and I'll send it to you.


    Jerome Garciano



    One International Place
    Suite 3900
    Boston, MA 02110

    Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California


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