Young Architects Forum

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The Young Architects Forum (YAF), a program of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the College of Fellows (COF), is organized to address issues of particular importance to recently licensed architects.

FAQ: What is a young architect and what is an emerging professional? Young architects are architects licensed up to ten years of initial licensure, and the name does not have any relationship to age. Emerging professionals are professionals who have completed their academic studies up to the point of licensure or up to 10 years after completion of their academic studies. Although young architects are now defined as distinct from emerging professionals, many components refer to these groups similarly. For example, a local YAF group may include emerging professionals and a local Emerging Professionals Committee may include young architects.

  • 1.  LGBTQIA+ Guide to A'24

    Posted 04-28-2024 09:47 AM

    Biggest of thanks to Rosalie Howell for the organizing and bringing together of the below information!

    With just over a month away from many heading to DC, we wanted to share a "LGBTQIA+ Guide to A'24" - complete with hyperlinks on how to register for sessions. Please share far and wide throughout your networks. There are amazing programs within the conference (and a few beyond because who doesn't love being in DC for Pride Weekend?!). 

    Any questions or interest in knowing more? Reach out! 

    Sarah Woynicz AIA
    Pride by Design, LLC
    Atlanta GA


    LGBTQIA+ guide to AIA24.pdf   154 KB 1 version
    LGBTQIA+ guide to AIA24.docx   1.74 MB 1 version