Academy of Architecture for Health

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The Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH) provides knowledge which supports the design of healthy environments by creating education and networking opportunities for members of – and those touched by – the health care architectural profession.

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You can contribute information to the AIA COVID-19 project database, and view all submitted projects. Visit the Alternative Care Sites preparedness site to learn important areas to evaluate when selecting ACSs for the care and treatment of COVID-19 or surge capacity patients.

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  • 1.  Can you eat light?

    Posted 08-13-2023 06:09 AM

    I would like to invite you all to check my latest post on impact of light on our mental and physiological health and let me know if what I am posting is relevant to you all. I have been researching the impact of available light on the brain's regulation of circadian system as the main indicator of health and wellbeing. I will be sharing some of my posts here with you all to see if we all can engage in a conversation about the the main subject of architectural practice.

    Below you can find the post and get involved by commenting with your thoughts. I am looking forward to your comments and thoughts. 

    Please let me know what you think and how we can be a voice in our own professional community. 

    Spectral Diet? Would you like some light with that?

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    Spectral Diet? Would you like some light with that?
    Here, I will not be writing about the role sunlight plays in producing all the food types we eat, but rather about the light itself as an important nourishment we consume everyday to remain healthy, active, and happy. Think of light as a form of "nutrient" similar to the food we eat.
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    Ali Heshmati AIA
    Henning Larsen Architects