Construction Contract Administration

2014 - Top Ten Construction Contract Administration Best Practices (Free CCA Webinar) 

10-15-2014 02:49 PM

This webinar is part of a series sponsored by the Construction Contract Administration community on AIA KnowledgeNet. The care and feeding of your project after it leaves the drawing board may be your best insurance that the project will finish the way you planned. When a project is in the construction phase, and questions or issues come up…who knows anymore? Depending on whom you ask on the team, the answer will be different. The expectations of the parties have become reality; proper or not. Who reads specs anymore…or looks at the plans? Have you ever heard, “this is the way we always do it?” How the teams responds and what gets done on a site varies wildly from project to project. Why is that? What should you do when your project goes to construction to make sure you reach your goals and provide your client with a successful project? Come and get involved in the open discussion to hear how. Register for the webinar. Attendees can earn 1 AIA LUs. Visit this page closer to the date of the webinar to download a PDF of the presentation. Visit this page after the webinar to view a recording of the webinar and download a copy of the Q&A.

#Presentations #Webinars #ConstructionContractAdministration

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2 Files
pdf file
QA_CCA1403 Answers.pdf   397 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-04-2014
pdf file
Top Ten for CCA KC NOV 2104.pdf   3.42 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-17-2014