Emerging Professional Component Grant

2018 Recipients:

AIA Washington DC for “AIA DC Thesis Showcase”
AIA Hong Kong for “Winning A.R.E. 5.0”
AIA Buffalo for “Construction Detailing”
AIA Dallas for “A.R.E. 5.0 Success Team Program”
AIA New York City for “AIANY Civic Leadership Program”
AIA Detroit for “Christopher Kelly Leadership Development”
AIA Columbus for “ARCHway Program”
AIA Gulf States for “EXPAND Symposium”
AIA Hampton for “[yaf]CON”
AIA Arizona for “Practice Innovation Lab”
AIA Illinois for “Illinois EP Network”
AIA Brooklyn for “SPEAK Lecture Series”
AIA New York State for “Overcoming Communication Challenges”

2017 Recipients:

AIA Austin for “Leadership Development”
AIA Central Valley
for “Lead for Licensing”
AIA Charlotte
for “AIA Charlotte’s Young Architect Forum Leadership”
AIA Cleveland
for “Speakers on the Square”
AIA Houston
for “Best Laid Plans: Business Planning for Small Firms”
AIA Houston
for “WiA Houston Annual Equality Series: Exploring the Role of Unconscious Bias in Professional Advancement”
AIA Kentucky
for “Sights on Success 2.0 with AIA ARE PREP Powered Black Spectacles”
AIA Miami
for “AIA Miami Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program”
AIA Nebraska
for “Decoding Building Codes for Emerging Professionals”
AIA New Mexico
for “To Licensure and Beyond: A Two Part Series”
AIA Texas Society of Architects
for “Emerging Leaders Grassroots at the Texas Society of Architects
AIA Westchester Hudson Valley
for “Invest in Yourself: Business Strategies for the Newly – Licensed Architect”
AIA Westchester Hudson Valley
for “Jump-Start the ARE: Year 2”
AIA Wichita Falls Emerging Professionals
for “Creating Waves: Emerging in a Small Chapter”


2016 Recipients:

AIA Buffalo/Western New York
for "Starting Your Own Firm"
AIA DC for "3rd Annual Thesis Showcase"
AIA Gulf States for "Emerging [AIA] Gulf States 2016"
AIA Hong Kong for "Achieving Licensure in International Practice"
AIA Iowa for "Infrastructural Flows: Iowa's Public Waterways"
AIA Long Island for "Emerging Professionals Summit"
AIA Maine for "AIA Maine ARE Study Library"
AIA Memphis for "AIA Memphis Leadership Program"
AIA Minnesota for "Emerging Professionals Summit"
AIA South Carolina for "Leadership Academy"
AIA Springfield for "Meet the Fellows"
AIA Triangle for "ScaleUP Architecture Workshop"
AIA Triangle for Leadership Forum Alumni Program
AIA Westchester Hudson Valley for Jump-Start the ARE

2015 Recipients:


AIA Birmingham  for "ARE Study Library for Emerging Professionals"
AIA California Council for "Monterey Design Conference AEP Parklet Competition"
AIA Charlotte for "Young Architect's Forum Leadership Program"
AIA Cleveland for "Emerging Practitioner Lecture Series (EPLS)"
AIA Columbus for "Speak Up Columbus!"
AIA DC for "Architecture Uncensored 2015: Debating the Dollar"
AIA Kentucky for "Sights on Success"
AIA Louisiana for "Emerging Leaders Institute"
AIA Philadelphia for "Fast Forward >> Philly"
AIA Toledo for "Engage Studio"
AIA Triangle for "Leadership Forum"
AIA Triangle for "Respace"
AIA Triangle for "Start/Finish Your ARE"

2014 Recipients:


AIA Baltimore for "Building Emerging Professionals as Civic Leaders"
AIA California Council for "Support for Emerging Professionals at the AIACC’s Now Next Future Conference"
AIA Cincinnati for "Critical Conversations"
AIA Columbus for "The Weight of Architecture Design Service Grant"
AIA Delaware for "A Design for Rejuvenation"
AIA Gulf States for "ENGAGE: An Emerging Professionals Symposium"
AIA Kansas City for "A.R.E. Success Team"
AIA Mississippi for "AIA Mississippi ARE Scholarship Program"
AIA New York for "Future Now Summit"
AIA Northern Virginia for "Women in Architecture Series"
AIA Palm Beach for "AIA Palm Beach Chapter Standing Committee | Practice"
AIA Potomac Valley for "Designing My Career - A Seminar Series for Emerging Professionals"
AIA Western Massachusetts for "Connecting to Craft: Five Workshops with the Construction Trades"

2013 Recipients:


AIA Baltimore for “Building Emerging Professionals as Civic Leaders”
AIA California Council for “Progression: the state of (re)imagining our future”
AIA Maryland for “Emerging Professionals Resource Collection”
AIA Michigan for “Center for Emerging Professional Resources (CEPR) A.R.E. Weekend Seminars”
AIA North Dakota for “Emerging Professionals Forum”
AIA Philadelphia YAF for “Elevator Pitch”
AIA Salem for “DesignOpine Professional Development Series and Education Materials”
AIA Santa Fe for “Expand 13”
AIA Tampa Bay for “AIA Licensure Boot Camp”
AIA UK for “Architectural Registration Exam Preparation Abroad”

2012 Recipients:


AIA Central New York for "Emerging Professionals Development Series" 
AIA Charlotte for "ARE Study Guide Resource Library"
AIA Columbus for "100x100 Project" 
AIA DC for "Women in Architecture Series"
AIA Indianapolis Chapter for "Mentorship Kick-Off with the Fellows"
AIA Kansas for "blox: Building Leaders Together"
AIA Memphis for "Emerging Memphis: A Leadership Development Course for Emerging Architects" 
AIA Phoenix Metro Chapter for "Social Mentoring Program" 
AIA Portland for "architects PATH" 
AIA Potomac Valley for "Emerging Professionals Lending Library" 
AIA Rhode Island for "Emerging Professionals Committee Learning Library and Seminar Series" 
AIA St. Louis for "AIA St. Louis Mentorship Program" 
AIA Southwest Wisconsin for "Emerging Professionals Faces of Architecture Series"