Building Performance Knowledge Community

Energy Modeling Guide 

02-20-2019 07:07 PM

"An Architect's Guide to Integrating Energy Modeling in the Design Process" (The Energy Modeling Guide) addresses a critical need for the profession. 

Building energy modeling is an evolving area of expertise and this document contains only a summary of the most prevalent tools for performance and energy modeling currently used in the industry, along with key terminology, processes, and practices that have been shown to help architects include high performance and energy reduction as integral aspects of the design process.
Hopefully, the knowledge contained in the guide will encourage you to engage—whether on your own or with your consultants—in thoughtful, informed energy efficient design, using both design performance and building energy modeling early and often throughout the design process.

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Energy Modeling Design Process Guide   6.63 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-20-2019
The Energy Modeling Guide addresses a critical need for the profession.