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2699 Entries
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Raymond Beeler, AIA, founder and director of an AIA volunteer High School Architecture program at a school in the Bronx, NY,  presented on creating the program, sharing positive outcomes, ...

6 years ago
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The fifth AIA Taliesin Colloquium: Taliesin West is sponsored and hosted by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation for the Historic Resources Committee and the Committee on the Environment ...

6 years ago
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6 years ago
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Square footage data is important to health care facilities for many reasons: it is used in gauging building performance; in planning new projects; and in creating more accurate capital ...

6 years ago
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
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Attached are PDFs of most of the presentations that were given during the 2017 AAJ Fall Conference. Session presentations are organized by track, and then by time.

CD - Corrections ...
