Feb 2, Submission Deadline Center for Health, Environment & Justice - Small Grants Program
The Center for Health, Environment & Justice has a Small Grants Program for grassroots groups working on environmental health and justice issues. Grants are available from $1,000 to $20,000.
Feb 1, 10 am ET, White House - American Climate Corps Initiative Listening Session
Beginning in January, a series of virtual listening sessions to hear directly from prospective American Climate Corps applicants and implementing partners, including conservation and service corps partners, labor unions, educational institutions, employer partners, and state, local, and Tribal governments about their priorities for the American Climate Corps. More information here. also accepting written comments at ACC@americorps.gov
Feb 1, 2 pm ET, Energy Earthshots: The Frontier of Climate Innovation (DC and virtual)
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing about the Department of Energy’s Energy Earthshots, designed to rapidly break down market barriers and scale up innovation in eight key sectors to address the climate crisis. Free and open to the public. Live webcast will be streamed at eesi.org/livecast
Feb 1, 3 pm ET, AIA 2030 Commitment reporting season Open Office Hours - International projects
As your firm is preparing to report your 2023 portfolio, join for a series of Open Office Hours to go through specific questions and topics.
Feb 1, Deadline to Nominate an Outstanding Solar Decathlon Alum or Faculty Member
Nominate an outstanding U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon® alumni or faculty lead for the Solar Decathlon Awards! The Solar Decathlon Alumni Award and Solar Decathlon Faculty Award are given annually to past participants who have made outstanding contributions to a clean energy economy. Winners announced in April 2024 at the Solar Decathlon Competition Event at the NREL in Golden, Colorado.
Feb 5, Application Deadline - Efficient and Healthy Schools Program
The new Department of Energy (DOE) Efficient and Healthy Schools Program provides technical assistance and recognition to school districts seeking to implement high-impact indoor air quality and energy efficiency improvements. Awards are expected to be between $75,000 and $200,000, annually for a three-year project period.
Feb 5, Application Deadline -Reducing Indoor Air Risks
The EPA is seeking applications from eligible entities to conduct demonstration, technical assistance, training, education, and/or outreach projects that seek reduce indoor air risks and yield measurable environmental and public health outcomes by advancing national policy or systems-level change. Awards are expected to be between $75,000 and $200,000, annually for a three-year project period.
Feb 5, 2024 Deadline: Call for Submissions: Worlding. Energy. Transitions
Across the planet, ecosystems and communities are threatened with perpetual wildfires, surging seas and coastal storms, and the radioactive dust and tailings of a new generation of industrial-scale mining that drives the energy transition at a planetary scale—among many other harrowing new realities. How can designers build—in pedagogy, representation, and praxis—the world of climate justice? Accepted articles will be published in issue 78.2 (Fall 2024).
Feb 6, 11:00 am ET, DOE Buildings Webinar Series - The new cool: the transition to low-gwp and natural refrigerants
Join this webinar to prepare for the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) phasedown and learn how this regulation will affect refrigeration and space conditioning practices in commercial buildings.
Feb 8, 1 pm ET, COTE book Talk
The AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) and COTE Network (representing 60 local and state COTE chapters) are piloting a new program, converting COTE book reviews into COTE book Talks. Our first talk hosted by Island Press, publisher of People Planet Design: A Practical Guide to Realizing Architecture's Potential, by Corey Square, AIA. Corey be joined in discussion with Lyndley Kent, AIA author of the review. Free.
Feb 9 - Deadline for Inflation Reduction Act funding for codes - Concept papers due - up to $530 million in competitive awards
The IRA made funding available to adopt building codes and standards for two categories: $330 million to adopt the latest building energy codes, .. and $670 million to adopt building energy codes that meet or exceed the zero energy provisions in the 2021 IECC or other … savings. These grants will support states and local jurisdictions in adopting, implementing, and enforcing the latest model, zero energy codes, or equivalent codes and standards, improving residential and commercial new construction and retrofits, and transitioning the building stock to more efficient, decarbonized buildings for all.
Feb 12, Fifth National Climate Assessment Webinar - Social Systems and Justice
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is hosting a series of webinars dedicated to the Fifth National Climate Assessment. Please join to learn more about each chapter, ask questions, and hear directly from the chapter authors.
Feb 12-14. GreenBiz (Phoenix, AZ)
GreenBiz 24 is the premier sustainability conference for business leaders seeking hands-on, tangible solutions in 2024. Join this growing community to recharge and learn what’s next in decarbonization, biodiversity, supply chains, strategic communications and much more — so you can continue to accelerate your impact and your career.
Feb 12, 10 am PT, Is Federal Infrastructure Spending Advancing Racial and Economic Equity?
Federal investment in infrastructure substantially increased over the past two years with the passage of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). These projects can improve the quality of life for thousands and reinvigorate decaying built structures across the country. In this webinar, the research team from Urban Institute will share findings from their report and lead a discussion on opportunities .. to improve federal funding impact and implementation.
Feb 13, 11:00 am ET, DOE Buildings Webinar Series - Tracking and tackling: reducing commercial tenant and scope 3 emissions
Join this webinar to hear from Better Buildings leaders and industry experts about their experiences in defining and reducing tenant and scope 3 emissions.
Feb 14, 1 pm, Virtual Discussion: EPA Grantmaking & Grants
The Anthropocene Alliance (A2) and Environmental Protection Network (EPN) will be co-hosting monthly virtual discussions on 2md Wednesday of every month, focused on federal funding and other topics of interest for frontline and environmental justice communities nationally. On February 14, EPN will present information about EPA Community Change Grants, and the EPA Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program.
Feb 14, 12 pm ET, AIA 2030 Commitment reporting season Open Office Hours - Bulk import
As your firm is preparing to report your 2023 portfolio, join us for a series of Open Office Hours to go through specific questions and topics.
Feb 15, , 2 pm ET, Disaster Response for AIA Components 101
Learn how your chapter can integrate all four critical phases of emergency management: Mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Whether your chapter is seeking low-, medium-, or high-effort solutions, this session will provide valuable strategies to be a resilient and supportive community force in the face of disaster.
Feb 15, 1 pm ET, Addressing Existing Buildings: Building Performance Standards and Implementation Support Tools
DOE Building Energy Codes Program 2023-2024 Energy Code Webinar Series! This monthly webinar series… will provide an opportunity to learn, discuss, and engage on timely and important energy code topics throughout the year.
Feb 15, 3- 4:30 pm ET, Innovations in Weather Forecasting for a Changing Climate (hybrid)
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing about the latest innovations in weather forecasting and communication to improve community resilience, awareness, and preparedness. Climate change multiplies and intensifies acute weather events like hurricanes as well as chronic stressors like droughts. Communities need to be informed not only of day-to-day weather events, but also of the ways our changing climate is affecting and altering weather patterns in their region.
Feb 15, 21, 28: Fifth National Climate Assessment Webinars - Feb 15 - Adaptation; Feb 21: Transportation; Feb 28, Air Quality
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is hosting a series of webinars dedicated to the Fifth National Climate Assessment. Please join to learn more about each chapter, ask questions, and hear directly from the chapter authors.
Feb 16, Submission deadline - NASA Incubator - Wildfire Climate Tech Challenge
NASA’s Earth Science Division is seeking innovative approaches from students and employees of Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) to effectively address both natural and climate change-exacerbated wildfires. Up to 3 finalists will be awarded to participate in program and a prize of $100,000.. will offer winners the unique opportunity to develop concrete business plans, connect with industry stakeholders, and showcase their progress live at a Demo Day.
Feb 20 2-3 pm ET, Bringing the Benefits Webinar #2: Energy Efficiency and Weatherization
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) State and Local Climate and Energy Program - three-part webinar series on its updated Bringing the Benefits resource, a set of profiles exploring how nonprofits, state and local governments, and Tribal entities have successfully brought the benefits of energy efficiency, efficient electrification, weatherization, and clean energy to low-income and disadvantaged communities.
Feb. 22, Deadline Extended: Request for Information on EJ Scorecard
The White House Council on Environmental Quality has extended the deadline to the Request for Information on the Environmental Justice Scorecard for an additional 30 days in order to provide the public with additional time to submit feedback.. on Phase One of the Environmental Justice Scorecard, which will inform future versions. For more information, please see the Request for Information here at docket number CEQ-2023-0005. To submit public comments, please follow the instructions here.
Feb 22, 2:30 pm ET, Bringing the Benefits Webinar #3: Community Partnerships and Engagement
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) State and Local Climate and Energy Program - three-part webinar series on its updated Bringing the Benefits resource, a set of profiles exploring how nonprofits, state and local governments, and Tribal entities have successfully brought the benefits of energy efficiency, efficient electrification, weatherization, and clean energy to low-income and disadvantaged communities.
Feb 23, NIBS Building Innovation Deadline for Speaker Submission
The National Institute of Building Sciences is holding this year's Building Innovation conference in Washington, DC May 22-24. As we get ready for the industry's only conference bringing together everyone who impacts the built environment, we are looking for speakers.
Feb 23, Greenbuild Deadline for Submission Proposal
Greenbuild 2024 is now accepting proposals from industry experts eager to share their knowledge and expertise. This is your opportunity to shape the content of Greenbuild’s education sessions in a year where information and ideas have never been more important.
Feb 27 - Mar 1, 2024 AIA Leadership Summit (DC)
This annual event … unites an array of over 750 AIA members, volunteer leaders, and chapter executives from across the country. Spanning four immersive days, AIA Leadership Summit not only offers a platform for attendees to actively participate in crucial policy dialogues with lawmakers but also fosters the growth of attendees' leadership acumen in both their professional capacities and their roles as chapter leaders.
Feb 27, 11 am ET, DOE Buildings Webinar Series - Illuminating impact: integrated lighting campaign gives back to the community
Join this webinar to learn about the Integrated Lighting Campaign (ILC) and how two recognized participants upgraded their facilities and brought benefits back to their communities.
Feb 29, 3 pm ET; AIA 2030 Commitment reporting season - "Ask us anything" sessions.
A less structured hour-long Open Office Hour. We ask when signing up, to submit a general question or issue you want to discuss.