Young Architects Forum

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Current YAF State Representatives (YARs)

State Representative
Alabama Elliot Brown, AIA
Alaska Zane Jones, AIA
Arizona Andrea Hardy, AIA
Arkansas Katherine Lashley, AIA
California Vasilies Beseau, AIA
Colorado Kaylyn Kirby, AIA
Connecticut Andrew Gorzkowski, AIA
DC Kumi Wickramanayaka, AIA
Delaware Jack Whalen, AIA
Florida Arlenne Gil, AIA
Georgia Laura Sherman, AIA
Hawaii Kevin Loo-Chan, AIA
Idaho Jorge Basulto, AIA
Illinois Raquel Guzman Geara, AIA
Indiana Matt Jennings, AIA
International Li Ren, AIA
Iowa Kevin Wagner, AIA
Kansas Garric Baker, AIA
Kentucky George Donkor, AIA
Lousiana Lexi Tengco, AIA
Maine OPEN
Maryland Joseph Taylor, AIA
Massachusetts Darguin Fortuna, AIA
Michigan Trent Schmitz, AIA
Minnesota Kyle Palzer, AIA
Mississippi Robert Farr, AIA
Missouri Chelsea Davison, AIA
Montana Elizabeth Zachman, AIA
Nebraska Jonathan Oswald, AIA
Nevada Daniela Moral, AIA
New Hampshire OPEN
New Jersey Abigail Benjamin, AIA
New Mexico Efren Lopez, AIA
New York Wei Wang, AIA
North Carolina Colin McCarville, AIA
North Dakota Brady Laurin, AIA
Ohio Alex Oetzel, AIA
Oklahoma Jordan Hall, AIA
Oregon Nicole Becker, AIA
Pennsylvania Melanie Ngami, AIA
Puerto Rico Armando Rigau, AIA
Rhode Island Taylor Hughes, AIA
South Carolina Ryan Lewis, AIA
South Dakota Levi Pfeil, AIA
Tennessee Sarah Page, AIA
Texas Kyle Kenerley, AIA
Utah Zahra Hassanipour, AIA
Vermont Devin Bushey, AIA
Virginia Erin Young Agdinaoay, AIA
Washington Tanya Kataria, AIA
West Virginia Joey Kutz, AIA
Wisconsin Wesley Churchill, AIA
Wyoming Kendra Shirley, AIA

Get involved! Nominations are due October 1st.

The American Institute of Architects actively promotes a diverse profession, including race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation. We strive to be an inclusive member group representing diversity of thought, geographic diversity, both traditional and non-traditional practice. 

The Young Architects Forum (YAF) is a committee of AIA composed of architect members licensed for 10 years or less and is organized to address issues of particular importance to that member demographic. The YAF consists of the Advisory Committee (AdCom) and the state volunteer leaders (Young Architect Representatives). In total, there will be 63 members of the YAF in 2025.

Review the full position description. Nominations for 2025-2026 state reps are due October 1st (which means internal AIA chapter elections happen before that), so reach out to your state chapter to express interest today! 

Time commitment: Terms are two years with one required in-person (travel paid) annual meeting in Q1, monthly workgroup calls, and bi-monthly full committee calls. Expect to dedicate 4-5 hours per month to this role.

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