As architects, the demands, and constraints of our practices, even as we all repeat the ‘live/work balance mantra’ to our co-workers, colleagues, and families, mean that we have limited opportunities to gather, be proximate, be in the moment, and genuinely connect and share with each other. Within those constraints, however, in 2023, the AIA Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN®) shared many powerful moments that illustrate meaningful connections this past year.
In June, we gathered in San Francisco at the A23’ Conference on Architecture for the AIA CRAN Forum, where our CRAN community shared in “The Arc of Practice - from Startup to Transition,” organized by CRAN Leaders John Deforest, AIA from Seattle and Luis Jauregui, FAIA from Austin. Leading residential architects joined a candid panel discussion moderated by Claire Conroy, editor of Residential Design Magazine, tracing the life cycle of a typical practice, including developing structure, managing growth, overcoming inertia, and nurturing the next generation of leaders.
In October, we gathered again, this time in Salt Lake City, for the 2023 AIA CRAN Symposium: Living in the West, Building in the West. Architects, students, and emerging professionals from over thirty states gathered under the autumn backdrop of the Wasatch Mountains of Utah to share and discuss how we plan, design, and construct in a housing deficit environment in the West while addressing our critical need for higher performance building envelopes and passive house building standards.
The symposium commenced with the romantic modernism of Bobby McAlpine, AIA and Greg Tankersly, AIA, shared beautifully at a chilly but graciously hosted reception at the historic Walker Estate. Two full afternoons of tours of mountain houses, including the visceral modernism and craft of Tom Kundig’s, FAIA, Wasatch House reminded us why we fall in love with architecture again and again. Tom shared principles that have guided his work and his belief that residential architecture is truly the soul of the profession. “If there is one environment that provides a sense of place, of refuge, it’s our home. Once you understand all those issues of how to deliver a project for a family or a situation at that very intimate level, you begin to understand what architecture is really about at its soul.”
These moments are at the heart of CRAN and it has been a joy to be a part of this network this year, working alongside with the 2023 AIA National Executive Committee including Past Chair, Blake Held, AIA, Vice-Chair Kevin Harris, Assoc. AIA, Secretary John Deforest, Treasurer Marica McKeel, AIA, and a dedicated Advisory Group who have shared their valuable time and talents to connect us as residential architects. To this group I add Susan Parrish, our tireless AIA staff director, for her support of the leadership committee and to our 3500 plus community of architects and emerging professionals who are connected through residential practice. I wish to express my gratitude for sharing your ideas and supporting each other. I am encouraged and excited to see what the upcoming year will bring as we continue to learn and grow together.
Warren Lloyd, AIA
2023 Chair
Custom Residential Architects Network