
AIA KnowledgeNet: Learning Environments - Research Grant Application Released, Get Bullish on P3, Academy of Architecture for Justice Announces Research Scholar, Modernism verses Traditionalism is not new

By Kathleen McCormick posted 05-04-2012 01:12 PM


Learning Environments Grant Research Grant Application Released - $7,000
Application Deadline : Monday, May 21, 2012

The AIA Committee on Architecture for Education (CAE) is proud to offer the 2012 AIA Education Research Scholarship. This program asks one selected emerging professional to conduct research on learning environments for comparison and analysis. Application deadline is May 21. Download application and requirements.

Also, see the AIA Innovation and Practice in House Design Research Grant.
Application Deadline : Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Getting Bullish On P3
By Shaunt Yemenjian, Assoc. AIA

As I sat lodged in my club chair across the desk from one of best friends and an up and coming financial advisor - who's work hours and commitment to client satisfaction often resemble those of our own - I couldn't keep my gaze from the miniature bull that lined the forward facing edge of his desk. Small and static, yet somehow intimidating; it exudes a sense of optimism, aggressiveness and confidence. It's a common find in the world of investment advisors; a seven thousand pound version of it is even appropriately placed in front of the Standard Oil Building in Battery Park. Its message is one of a proactive attitude. Read entire blog entry.


Erin Costino selected as the 2012 AAJ Research Scholar
The AIA Academy of Architecture for Justice (AAJ) is proud to announce the 2012 AIA Justice Research Scholar is Erin Costino. Erin will spend the summer of 2012 doing comprehensive professional research on architecture for justice and case study projects. Look for her completed work on the AAJ website in fall 2012. Visit Erin Costino’s profile on AIA KnowledgeNet. | Read Erin’s blog entry on her background. | Read the complete program description.


Modernism verses Traditionalism is not new
By Edward Shannon

In response to Modern verses Traditional, I have written exhaustively on this topic (I will spare you the long windedness, but soon I will have a blog that talks more about this).  What I conclude is that it all comes down to personal preference.  In other words, there is no moral imperative to deliver traditional (as they teach at University of Notre Dame) or the current Neo-Modernism being postulated in many of the architecture schools.  What matters most is whether it is "good" or not and "good" can be a bit subjective.  View the discussion thread on the Custom Residential Architects Network Discussion Forum.


When utilizing closed cell spray on insulation on the underside of the roof deck is venting unnecessary i.e. ridge and soffit venting?
Asked by Brock Hesselsweet, AIA, during the "Research, Building Science and Architecture" webinar


Spray-foam insulation is a rather compelling way to insulate a roof assembly. I did my first one in around 1990. And ventilation is not really compatible with spray foam. In particular, vent slots can, in the life of a building, have fire move through them, and I hate lining the pathway with combustibles. But doing unvented assemblies is outside the comfort zone of many. There is a whole complex of relationships—from inspectors to warranties to concerns for product performance and more—that keeps the industry in a vented-attic mindset, when we should be exploring other, often better, ways of doing attics. Incidentally, the 1990 roof worked very well and the client was very pleased and the building inspector trusted our judgment and the Amish contractors really liked it. The asphalt shingles were replaced after 20 years with some composite product. [Bill Rose]

Download the complete Q&A from webinar speaker Bill Rose.


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Form Follows Energy: Achieving the Passive House Standard for Habitat for Humanity (free)
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Emerging Trends and Issues in Mental Health Diagnostics, Treatment and Design
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