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To insulate or not to insulate existing composite masonry exterior walls 

03-19-2019 01:03 PM

These articles pertain as to whether or not to insulate a composite (solid) masonry wall—dangers of increasing freeze thaw damage if insulation is added on the interior.

  • Avoiding Mass Failures: How to insulate mass buildings on the interior and not get into trouble (2018), Joseph W. Lstiburek, ASHRAE Journal
  • Insulating Solid Masonry Walls, Mario D. Gonçalves, Building Envelope Forum
  • Interior Insulation Retrofits of Load-Bearing Masonry Walls in Cold Climates (2007), John Straube and Chris Schumacher,
  • NPS Preservation Brief 3: Improving Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings (2011), Jo Ellen Hensley and Antonio Aguilar 

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4 Files
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Insulatingsolidmasonrywalls-BEF_000.pdf   1.89 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 03-19-2019
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Interior Insulation Retrofit Masonry Walls in Cold Climat....pdf   787 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 03-19-2019
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Mass Masonry Wall Interior Insulation Retrofit Strategies....pdf   5.21 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 03-19-2019
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NPS Preservation Brief 3 - Improving Energy Efficiency 2.pdf   1.42 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 03-19-2019