Committee of Corporate Architects and Facility Management

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The AIA Corporate Architects and Facility Management (CAFM) Knowledge Community consist of architects working within and for businesses and corporations. Our mission is to share expertise in the strategic, tactical, and operational activities of real property and facilities management in order to deliver value to the owners we represent. 

BIM Implications for Facilities Management Webinar Attendee Survey Results and Comments 

01-10-2012 10:06 PM

Results from Zoomerang and GoToWebinar are in! With over 400 of you in attendance, you weighed in after the webinar. Some of you really, really loved it! Others not so much... But we think you'll find in reading the comments empirical evidence that architects cannot indeed spell!

#TechnologyinArchitecturalPractice #PublicArchitectsCommittee #CorporateArchitectsandFacilityManagement #Seminars

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Uploaded - 01-10-2012
Results from Zoomerang and GoToWebinar are in! With over 400 of you in attendance, you weighed in after the webinar. Some of you really, really loved it! Others not so much... But we think you'll find in reading the comments empirical evidence that architects cannot indeed spell!