Books highlight winning projects for AIA Housing and AIA/HUD Secretary's Awards. #Books #housing #multifamilyhousing #customresidential #affordablehousing
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By Paula Loomis, FAIA Why Architecture Matters, Lessons from Chicago by Blair Kamin . My book selection for this edition of the APC newsletter is “Why Architecture Matters” by Pulitzer Prize winner Blair Kamin. Kamin’s book makes the case for why good architecture, urban...
Monumental architecture began with sacred places to commune with God/s and the unseen. The earliest preplanned structures were built to last forever, as places for community gathering, ceremony and ritual. It now seems certain that sound was an integral part of that scenario. This generously...
Information for contributors to ASA Worship Space Acoustics Publication #worship #Books #InterfaithForumonReligion,Art,andArchitecture #acoustic #CommitteeonDesign
Richard O'Connor, Ph.D. Chief, Heritage Documentation Programs National Park Service, US Department of the Interior Robert O'Connor wrote: "Please assist us by promoting the Heritage Documentation Programs (Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record/Historic...
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Excerpt from The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice #TechnologyinArchitecturalPractice #Books #PracticeManagementKnowledgeCommunity
Excerpt from The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice #TechnologyinArchitecturalPractice #PracticeManagementKnowledgeCommunity #Books
Forward 111 The Architecture and Design Journal of the National Associates Committee Spring 2011 Landscape #CaseStudies #CommitteeonDesign #Research #Books #BestPractices #Articles #CommitteeontheEnvironment #Newsletters
Professor Edith Cherry spent seven years in the CRS office engaged in architectural programming at a sophisticated level. This is a well-reviewed reference for anyone who may be interested in learning more about programming. #Books #InteriorArchitectureKnowledgeCommunity
Programming for Design by Edith Cherry, FAIA.pdf