The 2022 Academy Journal submission period is closed. You are invited to submit articles, innovative project case studies, completed research projects, and monographs in the field of healthcare design. All disciplines are encouraged to submit (doctors, nurses, administrators, etc.)....
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What is innovation? An overview of innovation in architecture https:/...
Since 2008, the AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) has proudly offered the COTE Research Scholarship. This program asks one selected student to conduct research and studies on a particular topic related to sustainable design – both at the building and community scale. The scholar spends the...
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Summary data of the feedback survey questions. #Reports/Essays #2015 #survey #symposium #Minneapolis #CRAN #Feedback
CRAN Fall Symposium Survey Report _webupload.pdf
#Reports/Essays #Tips #WhitePapers #Military #Articles #Research #SAME #PublicArchitectsCommittee #PA #BestPractices #Newsletters #MilitaryEngineers #APC #Engineers
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Featuring architects, designers and emerging professionals acting as environmental stewards through initiatives in sustainability and the future of education. We will explore advancements in innovative programs aimed at creating a sustainable future and profession. ...
151221 - 1306 - Vol 13 Issue 06_final.pdf
A Report On Outcomes of a University of Minnesota Survey Effective project delivery meets or exceeds owner’s expectations for schedule, cost and quality. There is an emerging body of research that shows more collaborative/integrated delivery is more likely to lead to successful outcomes and...
20150925 IPDA IPD Survey Report.pdf
Author’s Title: Architects of Justice: The Politics of Courtroom Design Author: Linda Mulcahy Year of Publication: 2007 Purpose: This referenced position paper discussed design parameters for the courts in England as mandated by the Court Standards and Design Guide (2004) and their influence...
mulcahy arch.pdf
Author’s Title: The Harmful Use of Isolation in Juvenile Facilities: The Need for Post-Disposition Representation Author: Sandra Simkins, Marty Beyer, and Lisa M. Geis Year of Publication: 2012 Purpose: This study examined the negative effects of isolating juveniles in correctional facilities...
Author’s Title: The Unbearable Lightness of Being? Shifts Towards the Virtual Trial Author: Linda Mulcahy Year of Publication: 2008 Purpose: This referenced position paper examines the impact of witness testimony via live video (“live link”) on traditional legal procedures, judicial process,...
mulcahy unbear.pdf
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