Creating healthy landscapes that connect classroom learning with natural play environments is a growing movement in schoolyards across the world. Architects, outdoor classroom educators, garden educators and environmental design, garden outdoor classroom educators and researchers will provide insights, objectives, and practical steps for envisioning, planning and constructing successful outdoor learning experiences. Presented February 15, 2013 Learning Objectives: In this session you will: 1. Define Ecological School Yards 2. Connect healthy learning opportunities with healthy outdoor environments 3
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Architects, garden educators and researchers will provide insights, objectives, and practical steps for envisioning, planning and constructing successful outdoor learning experiences. Learning Objectives: In this session you will: 1. Explore learning opportunities of outdoor experiences 2
Handout CAE Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms.pdf
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Description: 21st Century Learning Environments blur the boundary between fun, play, wonder and information access...Examples will be shared that present play destinations as cultural play scapes. Learning Objectives: In this session you will: 1