On March 6, the AIA Project Delivery Knowledge Community held their first Symposium, Delivering the Future, at the AIA National Headquarters in Washington, DC. This one day event provided an interesting overview of how project delivery methods have evolved to their current state and how they...
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The December issue of YAF CONNECTION #youngarchitect #students #emergingprofessionals
20161221 1406_Edification_Final.pdf
By Eric Pempus, AIA One of the most overlooked yet dangerous pitfalls for an architect is a provision in a legal document requiring a design professional to “comply with all laws, rules, and regulations" or similar language. However, such a provision can create a trap for an unsuspecting...
“Complying with all laws” during design and construction.pdf
By Bill Schmalz, FAIA, and Yu-Ngok Lo, AIA Most architects know that a substitution, an RFI, and a submittal are distinct things, each with its own relationship to the owner-contractor agreement. Neither RFIs nor submittals should be used to change the design intent. Substitutions can, when...
Beware of substitutions dressed in RFI or submittal clothing_2017 edits.pdf
April 2016 Issue of YAF Connection #Newsletters #HousingKnowledgeCommunity #CaseStudies #policy #Research #architect #BestPractices #RegionalandUrbanDesignCommittee #CustomResidentialArchitectsNetwork #youngarchitects #politics #civic #Leadership ...
160419 - 1402 - Vol 14 Issue 02_Final.pdf
February 2016 issue of YAF CONNECTION #Workshops #SmallFirmRoundTable #Guides #YAF #Trends #CommitteeonDesign #CaseStudies #WhitePapers #RegionalandUrbanDesignCommittee #Charrettes #TechnicalDesignforBuildingPerformance #Policies #CustomResidentialArchitectsNetwork ...
160223 - 1401 - Vol 14 Issue 01_final.pdf
Featuring architects, designers and emerging professionals acting as environmental stewards through initiatives in sustainability and the future of education. We will explore advancements in innovative programs aimed at creating a sustainable future and profession. ...
151221 - 1306 - Vol 13 Issue 06_final.pdf
By Jane Cameron, AIA, LEED AP “How can I convince my client to include construction contract administration in my basic services? As a small residential and commercial practitioner, I’m often excluded from the construction phase.” The CCA Knowledge Community is frequently asked questions such as...
CCA White paper on why Architects should be involved with CA on small projects_rev 18 NOV 2015.pdf
#PreservationArchitect #HRC #Newsletters
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The AIA Retail and Entertainment Knowledge Community will sponsor emerging professionals to attend their spring conference held May 15, 2014 in New York City. Download the application below for full details. Learn more about the event via the conference website . AIA Young Architects ...
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