#Presentations #2012AAJConference #LawEnforcementTrack #Conferences #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice
The value of retaining heritage buildings within a province wide modernization and consolidation of the court system will be examined through a case study of six courthouses; Brockville Courthouse, Welland County Courthouse, Chatham-Kent Courthouse, John Sopinka Courthouse, Renfrew County Courthouse and St Thomas Consolidated Courthouse
Travis County, Texas, completed one of the most ambitious court planning initiatives in the nation
This panel assembles leading experts on implementation of video technology in court procedures and facilities (most of whom are working on the AJA/Infocomm project to develop guidelines on this subject)
#CorrectionsandDetentionTrack #Conferences #2012AAJConference #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #Presentations #2012AAJConferenceCorrectionsandDetentionTrack
#2012AAJConference #2012AAJConferenceCourtsTrack #CourtsTrack #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #Conferences #Presentations
#2012AAJConferenceCorrectionsandDetentionTrack #Presentations #2012AAJConference #CorrectionsandDetentionTrack #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #Conferences
” #2012AAJConferenceCorrectionsandDetentionTrack #CorrectionsandDetentionTrack #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #Presentations #Conferences #2012AAJConference
This influence is reflected in the Ministry’s restorative justice program, the design of the new courthouse, and in particular the Aboriginal Conference Settlement Suite, which is a major component of the project
This case study will explore the challenges and successes of community-involved design and how an engaged public helped to successfully inform its surroundings for a new police station and government center. #Conferences #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #2012AAJConference #LawEnforcementTrack #Presentations
LE_OT-05_AAJ_In Transition_Reston Police.pdf