Author of Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms Roy Diblik, Author of The Know Maintenance Approach to Gardening Hosts: John Dale, FAIA, CAE Alternative Learning Subcommittee co-Chair Linda Keane, AIA, CAE Alternative Learning Subcommittee co-Chair To learn more about other CAE activities please visit:
Handout CAE Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms.pdf
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Solomon, Owner, Curatorial Resources & Research Hosts: John Dale, FAIA, CAE Alternative Learning Subcommittee Co-Chair, Harley Ellis Devereaux Linda Keane, AIA, CAE Alternative Learning Subcommittee Co-Chair, STUDIO 1032 ARCHITECTURE #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #lindakeane #susansolomon #ArtofPlay #CAE #Education
Moving Design 5 Description.docx
Solomon, Owner, Curatorial Resources & Research Hosts: John Dale, FAIA, CAE Alternative Learning Subcommittee Co-Chair, Harley Ellis Devereaux Linda Keane, AIA, CAE Alternative Learning Subcommittee Co-Chair, STUDIO 1032 ARCHITECTURE #outdoorenvironments #BestPractices #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #play #CAE #Webinars #lindakeane #Presentations #susansolomon #Education #playgrounds
Learn evaluation and assessment standards for outdoor classrooms Presenters: Sharon Gamson Danks, MLA-MCP, Author of Asphalt to Eco Systems Roy Diblik, Author of The Know Maintenance Approach to Gardening Hosts: John Dale, FAIA, CAE Alternative Learning Subcommittee Co-Chair, Harley Ellis Devereaux Linda Keane, AIA, CAE Alternative Learning Subcommittee Co-Chair, STUDIO 1032 ARCHITECTURE #johndale #Webinars #Transcription #Environments #AcademyofArchitectureforHealth #CAE #Learning #MovingDesign #Education #lindakeane #Outdoor
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Listen to CAE's very own John Dale's interview on KPFK-FM entitled "Politics or Pedagogy." Select the file to listen to the recording. #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #PoliticsorPedagogy
#CAE #London #FallConference #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #Education
Under the mentorship of members of the CAE leadership group, Kelly Martinez, Assoc. AIA conducted post occupancy research on several geographically diverse education projects. Four research case studies were selected by Kelly from among the last three years of National AIA | CAE design awards...
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