Thursday, November 5, 1-2:15PM (EST) Earn 1.25 AIA/HSW LUs (No Fee) This session will explain how architects & facility managers can use the deep energy retrofit approach to broaden their portfolio to include retrofit projects on a wide scale of building types and sizes
AIA CAFM Webinar DER.pdf
Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) have been installed on over 1 million buildings in North America over the last 45 years representing over 1 billion square feet of application. As a low maintenance cladding, EIFS can require periodic cleaning, color coating and general overall...
Troubleshooting Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) Cladding - Final 012915.pdf
Project contract documents contain drawings and specifications. Yet the active industry discussion is about BIM (drawings) and almost no discussion about specifications. Surely there have been technology advances for specification authoring and linking to BIMs. Well-coordinated drawings and...
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See matching library entry files - If it’s a subcontractor then a basis-of-design p...
The panel of international practitioners who have developed P3 justice projects will share their lessons learned from successfully using the project delivery method in other countries on built projects. P3 is a relatively new concept for the development of justice facilities in the US. However...
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See matching library entry files - Will it be the facility manager...
Updated content: Design Management a Lean Approach #Presentations #TechnologyinArchitecturalPractice #lean #technology #IDP #fasterforward #Conferences #tap #BIM #Webinars #relationships
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See matching library entry files - SESSION 4: Owner & Facility Manager...
#Brochures #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #Conferences #2014AAJConference
See matching library entry files - The tour will be led by the department’s ...
This Guide is the result of a multi-year research project that looked at factors that enhanced team integration, which in turn lead to improved project performance on integrated projects. The research was a follow-up to the seminal 1997-1998 Penn State/Construction Industry Institute, which...
#IPD #Brochures #AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #ProjectDeliveryKnowledgeCommunity #DB #DBB #APD
Get an in-depth look at the AIA/AAH Healthcare Design Award recipients with the supplements below. Find out more about the program and further details on past recipients on the Awards page . #AcademyofArchitectureforHealth #design #healthcare #Awards
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See matching library entry files - Douglas Erickson, AIA, FASHE, CHFM, HFDP, CHC Do...