Thursday, November 5, 1-2:15PM (EST) Earn 1.25 AIA/HSW LUs (No Fee) This session will explain how architects & facility managers can use the deep energy retrofit approach to broaden their portfolio to include retrofit projects on a wide scale of building types and sizes. To complete deep energy retrofit projects successfully, new skills are required such as energy modeling, life cycle cost assessment, commissioning, and measurement and verification. Additionally, this session will explain the market forces and government regulations that are driving the energy retrofit market and familiarize the audience with financial tools and incentives available to help make the deep energy retrofit market a reality
AIA CAFM Webinar DER.pdf
Read through the 2017 Issues of the Practice Management Digest! This library entry will be updated as new issues are released. April 2017: Greening Your Practice: Sustainable business practices and easy ways to incorporate sustainability into your projects ( Read online ) July 2017: Pro...
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