The case studies include two projects: the Fortune Castle Gardens, a new 113 unit mixed-use affordable housing development in Harlem and Via Verde, the Green Way, a new 222 unit mixed use, mixed income development in the South Bronx and winner of the NHNY Legacy competition
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See matching library entry files - [Peter Maus] Q: Are Via Verde r...
The Housing Knowledge Community of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) is proud to be a sponsor of the AIA Housing Awards program and the AIA/HUD Secretary Housing and Community Design Awards. The Housing Awards program, now in its 13th year, was established to recognize the best in...
This webinar is part of a series sponsored by the Regional and Urban Design community. This webinar explores how design and other professionals, working collaboratively, can address the new normal of climate change, sea level rise, seismic risks, extreme heat and other emerging risks....
See matching library entry files - He recently co-edited Beyond Zucotti Park: Freed...