The event, coined DIALOGUES 2019 is an outgrowth of an ongoing research partnership between The Committee on Architecture for Education, a Knowledge Community of The American Institute of Architects (AIA-CAE) and Learning By Design magazine (LBD).
AIA-CAE & LBD recognize the vital need to establish consistent educational facility evaluation processes and tools to document connections between design decisions and performance outcomes that are important to architects and all facilities stakeholders. To-date the partnership has produced two research compendiums, Dialogues I & Dialogues II. A third compendium and
the launch of this live event will both occur this October.
Our objective for DIALOGUES 2019 is to convene an interdisciplinary group of facility experts, built environment researchers and architects together for 1 full day. Many of whom were respondents from the recent joint AIA-CAE / University of Nebraska Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) Survey. The intent is to explore in a face-to-face setting new models for research and evaluation of learning environments.
Our goal is to facilitate cross-cultural collaboration and the framing of evaluation objectives for further development by the AIA-CAE and like-minded partners. The group will explore tools,methods, and implementation models .
The ThinkTank CoLab format will result in the identification of key objectives for research and evaluation that best reflects the most robust knowledge needs for the future. The ideal outcome will be to develop a problem statement, a vision statement and deliver a set of prioritized recommendations as a research roadmap for future development. Published proceedings will inform Phase 2 POE development and DIALOGUES 2020.