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Retrofitting Traditional Buildings to Green Building

  • 1.  Retrofitting Traditional Buildings to Green Building

    Posted 23 days ago

    Retrofitting involves upgrading existing structures to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Transforming New, old or traditional buildings into green buildings can significantly enhance sustainability while preserving cultural heritage. Several modern technologies and design principles play crucial roles in this process:

    1. Censored Lights: Motion-sensing lights reduce energy consumption by ensuring that lights are only on when needed. This technology can significantly lower electricity use in areas like hallways, restrooms, and offices.

    2. Automated Doors with Battery: Battery-powered automated doors improve energy efficiency by minimizing heat loss and gain depending on the climatic condition. These doors can also enhance accessibility and reduce the physical wear on building entrances, contributing to longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs.

    3. Large Windows: Strategically placed large windows maximize natural light, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day. They also provide better ventilation and can enhance the thermal comfort of indoor spaces, particularly when paired with energy-efficient glazing.

    4. Censored Water Faucets: These faucets, equipped with sensors, reduce water wastage by automatically turning off when not in use. This technology is particularly effective in high-traffic areas like public restrooms, contributing to significant water savings.

    5. Overhangs and Cantilevers: Architectural elements such as overhangs and cantilevers provide shade and reduce direct solar gain, helping to maintain cooler indoor temperatures in summer. This passive design strategy can substantially lower cooling energy requirements.

    By integrating these technologies and design features, retrofitting old buildings improves their energy efficiency and sustainability and enhances the comfort and functionality of occupants. This holistic approach ensures that historical buildings can meet modern environmental standards without compromising their historical value.

    newly completed retrofitted building at osapa london Lagos Nigeria
