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Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

  • 1.  Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 5 days ago
    Hello to the Public Architecture Knowledge Community.  We are on the AIA Strategic Council, currently in the Equity study group – specifically focusing on external issues.  Our group is looking for more information and data on public agency Chief Architects.  Kimberly Dowdell, AIA 2024 President has introduced an initiative to "Champion Chief Architects".  A link to her February 15, 2024, article is:
    We are attempting to define a few terms as well as creating a Map of chief architect positions throughout the country and would greatly appreciate any insights or information from this community!
    1. Chief Architect:  Ms. Dowdell proposes promoting the inclusion of Chief Architect positions in city governments; "...Mayors must surround themselves with the talent and expertise that will support their efforts to navigate these challenges successfully. This is why the American Institute of Architects (AIA) is calling on our civic leaders to expand their cabinets to include architects. A Chief Architect would serve as a key advisor to mayors and city managers in places where such expertise is missing. ..."
      1. Question: Is there a resource or list of Chief Architects – paid staff positions or appointed advisory positions – that might include Federal, State, Local agencies with Chief Architect positions?
    1. Citizen Architect:  The AIA "Citizen Architect Handbook"  This document was last updated in 2018, and is "A guide to elected, appointed, and volunteer positions...".  The focus is almost entirely on how private practitioners can engage in a civic capacity to help shape their communities.
      1. Question: What information could be added to the Handbook to support the work of public architects (governmental jurisdiction staff)?
    1. We believe we should all engage as Citizen Architects, but real policy change might happen in a faster, more organized way if Architects are in key leadership roles helping making decisions that affect the built environment. 
      1. Question: Should the Handbook be updated to include the Chief Architect definition and overview?
    The Equity Study Group – External Focus appreciates your time and any information or insights you can share.  Our report- out is due to the AIA Board on September 10, 2024, and our internal deadline to include input is July 26th.  Please post any responses or suggestions in the forum so other members can weigh in.
    Thank you,
    Kristine Bjerke, AIA, Strategic Council
    Architecture Incorporated, Rapid City, South Dakota
    Linda Schemmel, AIA, Strategic Council, Public Architects Community Member
    City of West Des Moines, Iowa

  • 2.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 4 days ago

    Question: Is there a resource or list of Chief Architects – paid staff positions or appointed advisory positions – that might include Federal, State, Local agencies with Chief Architect positions?

    I was appointed in 2013 as the County Architect of Passaic County New Jersey. The position was listed as a civil service position but to my knowledge was not broadcast through many channels. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has had a Chief Architect for many years which recently was listed on their job website. Both positions function within the Engineering Department of the their respective local government or agency. I met the City Architects of Kansas City and San Francisco but that is about it. Hopefully if there is a list, elected officials (mayors, governors, etc.) can see the positions do exist throughout the country.

    Question: What information could be added to the Handbook to support the work of public architects (governmental jurisdiction staff)?

    Add the duties and responsibilities of City, County or architects directly employed by local government. We do everything from design in-house, lead consulting teams on local government projects, and work with various code officials at the local and state level. We interact with our elected officials by advising best practices and reviewing budgets for projects.

    Question: Should the Handbook be updated to include the Chief Architect definition and overview?

    It should but examples of the position (or similar) throughout the country should be cited as part of that definition.

    Andrew Thompson AIA
    Passaic County
    Paterson NJ

  • 3.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 3 days ago
    Hi Andrew,
    I am not sure which Handbook you are referring to.  In any case, there is probably NOT a consolidated list of chief architects.  In many federal agencies, that position was eliminated due to budget cuts.  The Corps of Engineers has a chief architect, Scott Wick.  I can't speak for the other military services.  Charles Hardy is the Chief Architect for GSA HQ in Washington.
    Are you volunteering to start compiling such a list/directory?  Hopefully Ludmilla sees this message - she is the current Chair of PAKC.
    Best, Ed

  • 4.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 3 days ago
    To all,

    A big thank you for sharing this information. Currently there is not one master list, but the Public Architecture Knowledge Community leadership group has been gathering these positions to create a master list. 

    We will add these positions. Thank you for sharing and a big thanks to any other people that share.

    We are also gathering a list of Presidential Appointed positions where architects would be a great fit.

    Paula Loomis

  • 5.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 2 days ago

    Good afternoon all,


    Great input so far!  It sounds like there is an opportunity for some collaborative work between the Public Architects KC and the Strategic Council in this area.  I noticed that Ludmilla mentioned definitions.  I've included below a draft of what we are working on for definitions.  We would appreciate some feedback on what we have so far:


    Roles/positions of architects engaging with the public or government entities:

    1. Citizen Architect:
      • Definition: An architect who actively participates in outreach, engagement, and advocacy within their community. This role involves leveraging their professional expertise to contribute to public discourse, influence policy, and support community development. Citizen Architects work at any level and engage with a variety of stakeholders to promote the value of architecture and urban planning in enhancing public welfare.
      • Responsibilities:
        • Participating in community meetings and forums.
        • Advocating for policies and initiatives that support sustainable and equitable development.
        • Educating the public about the importance of architecture and urban planning.
        • Collaborating with local organizations, schools, and community groups.
    1. Architect Employed by a Government Entity:
      • Definition: An architect who holds a design, planning, or decision-making role within a governmental jurisdiction. These architects work internally to lead or influence projects, policies, and strategies that shape the built environment. They ensure that governmental projects meet high standards of design, functionality, and sustainability.
      • Responsibilities:
        • Developing and reviewing architectural and urban planning projects.
        • Advising on policies and regulations related to the built environment.
        • Collaborating with other government departments, agencies, and stakeholders.
        • Ensuring that projects comply with relevant codes, standards, and regulations.
        • Leading public consultations and engagement efforts for government projects.
    1. Chief Architect:
      • Definition: An architect serving at a high-level, often at the "cabinet" or policy level, within a governmental jurisdiction. The Chief Architect has significant influence over policy-making and strategic planning, guiding the vision and direction of architectural and urban development at a broad, often national or regional, level.
      • Responsibilities:
        • Shaping and advising on national or regional policies related to architecture, urban planning, and the built environment.
        • Providing strategic leadership and vision for major governmental projects and initiatives.
        • Representing the architectural profession in high-level governmental discussions and decision-making processes.
        • Coordinating with other top officials to ensure cohesive and integrated planning efforts.
        • Advocating for architectural excellence, sustainability, and innovation at the highest levels of government.

    These roles illustrate the diverse ways in which architects can engage with the public and government entities to influence and shape the built environment.



    Linda Schemmel, AIA, NCARB

    Development Coordinator

    City of West Des Moines Development Services

    4200 Mills Civic Parkway, Suite 1D

    West Des Moines, Iowa  50265

    Office:  515-222-3620 | Fax: 515-273-0602


  • 6.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 2 days ago

    As the former Chief Architect for the Great Lakes Region of the US General Services Administration, I am sharing the current listing for each of GSA's 11 Regional Chief Architects.  They are all paid civil servant positions, competitively selected from within and outside government.  Here is the latest link.

    Contact information for Regional Chief Architects | GSA

    Robert Theel FAIA
    EXP US Services
    Chicago IL

  • 7.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 2 days ago

    The "Chief Architect" can also be called a "Command Architect" depending on the organization.

    Paula Loomis

  • 8.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 12 hours ago
    As the retired State Architect of Colorado for the past 25 years (and certified state employee in the Senior Executive Service) the position was and is legislatively responsible for the administration of state funded capital construction at state agencies and institutions of higher education, including statewide:

    - prioritization and funding recommendations to the governor's office and the general assembly,
    - procurement process for the selection of design and construction services,
    - establishing standard contract templates for all professional services and project delivery               methods.
    - project management and dispute resolution,
    - code, energy conservation and environmental protection compliance,
    - project closeout, tracking and reporting to the governor's office and general assembly,
    - facility audit process and annual major maintenance budgeting and funding at all state funded     facilities.

           The current State Architect is:
           Tana Lane, AIA 

    Although there are other State Architects throughout the country I do not have a list.

    Thank You,
    Larry Friedberg, FAIA
    Member Emeritus
    Centennial, Colorado

  • 9.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 3 days ago
    Edited by Ludmilla D. Pavlova-Gillham FAIA 3 days ago
    Thank you for connecting, and asking good questions, Linda!  I am Senior Campus Planner and Architect at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.  UMass does not have a position titled "Chief Architect", but there are individuals at each campus that serve in positions similar to the role of a chief architect.  And the UMass system, as a public agency, falls under the jurisdiction of the MA Division of Capital Assets, Management and Maintenance, which also has architects who serve in the role of commissioner and planning director, and who act as architects for the development and maintenance of public buildings and grounds throughout the state (see ).  
    To provide an initial answer to your first question on whether there is a resource or list of Chief Architects: I don't believe there is, but perhaps ChatGPT could give you a guesstimate?  I think there are many layers of federal, state, local and higher ed public agencies.  The Public Architects Committee (PAC) recently held a one-day symposium and gathered experts who practice at different levels of government, so our committee would be happy to work with you on this initiative. And if you are interested in University Architects from public institutions, you could reach out to the Association of University Architects:  
    On your second question about the Citizen Handbook, which I agree needs to be updated: I believe the AIA could start by adding a Section 2.5 - Hired - and reach out directly to those members of the AIA who consider themselves architects in civil service by working for federal, state, local governments and public universities.  They are already committed to serving the mission of the AIA (as I am) and could support the effort to update the handbook, include some high-level descriptions of the layers of public agencies, and perhaps to develop a list of resources for future citizen - and chief - architects.
    On your third question about a definition of the role of Chief Architect: yes, I think that could be helpful.  Some year ago, AIA Massachusetts supported (unsuccessfully) a bill that attempted to define the role of Chief Architect for the state capitol.  I have reached out to our Executive Director of AIAMA, who has promised to send me the background on that effort, and will be happy to share that information with you if you think it would be helpful.
    Please feel free to reach out to me offline.  As this year's Chair of the PAC, I would be happy to assist.

    Ludmilla Pavlova-Gillham FAIA
    University of Massachusetts
    Amherst MA

  • 10.  RE: Public Architecture Knowledge Community Forum Post

    Posted 22 hours ago
    1. Chief Architect:  Ms. Dowdell proposes promoting the inclusion of Chief Architect positions in city governments; "...Mayors must surround themselves with the talent and expertise that will support their efforts to navigate these challenges successfully. This is why the American Institute of Architects (AIA) is calling on our civic leaders to expand their cabinets to include architects. A Chief Architect would serve as a key advisor to mayors and city managers in places where such expertise is missing. ..."
      1. Question: Is there a resource or list of Chief Architects – paid staff positions or appointed advisory positions – that might include Federal, State, Local agencies with Chief Architect positions?

    Comments & Idea – This question to get the membership list of all public architects has been asked of the AIA many times in the past.  My city and state components do not even have that information.

    Ideas to develop a list.........

    Have an AIA member resource to 1) do a simple internet key word search, 2) do a couple of simple key word searches in city and county government website staff lists - 1 search for "city architect" and another search for "architect." Consider starting with city populations of 400,000 as a minimum to start this up.

    Contact key city manager organizations to get their list of elected and appointed positions.  An example in Georgia foe cities would be to contact the Georgia Municipal Associate (GMA).  An example for Georgia county governments would be to contact Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG).

    1. Citizen Architect:  The AIA "Citizen Architect Handbook"  This document was last updated in 2018, and is "A guide to elected, appointed, and volunteer positions...".  The focus is almost entirely on how private practitioners can engage in a civic capacity to help shape their communities.
      1. Question: What information could be added to the Handbook to support the work of public architects (governmental jurisdiction staff)?

    Comments & Idea – Part of my career was as a Public Architect and I never heard of a "Citizen Architect," even after being an AIA member for many decades and never heard of this handbook. Consider after the update to blitz this out to all AIA membership and include a section in national AIA monthly newsletters sent to all membership.

    Ideas of information to add.........

    Add additional terms of what a Citizen Architect is...........City Architect, Capital Programs Director, etc.  These positions usually have a seat at the city executive's table and access to the city executive and city manager.

    On another thought - I do not understand why the focus is on private practitioners.  Our AIA member private practitioners would likely have to recuse themselves from pursuing the work of the city they are appointed to. 

    Having architects appointed or hired into a paid position will be an uphill effort. Many major cities have dropped City Architect positions and instead have appointed Planning Commissioners that take on the role in a civic capacity to help shape their communities.  Hopefully some of them also have an architectural education and background in an architectural/planning office.

    And, a final thought, when an AIA member architect decides to leave professional architectural practice and enter government service their membership dues may not be covered.  The AIA should evaluate the membership category and offer dues alternatives if the government will not cover the full membership dues.

    1. We believe we should all engage as Citizen Architects, but real policy change might happen in a faster, more organized way if Architects are in key leadership roles helping making decisions that affect the built environment. 
      1. Question: Should the Handbook be updated to include the Chief Architect definition and overview?

    Comments & Idea

    In regard to the AIA "Citizen Architect Handbook," and definitions.....  

    There are many HR position names in city organizations that can describe this role. Adding additional terms of what a Citizen Architect is will be beneficial.  Consider including terms such as.........

    -       City Architect

    -       Capital Programs Director

    These hires and appointments can have significant influence in evolving code development for private sector development and influence the evolution of building standards and sustainable objectives for public sector capital project development.


    Michael L. Katzin, AIA

    | 470.469.5586 

    Member | City of Johns Creek Planning Commission
