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Mariposa 1038 (Lorcan O’Herlihy Architects)

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The AIA Housing and Community Development Knowledge Community (HCD) is a network of architects and allied stakeholders that promotes equity in housing, excellence in residential design, and sustainable, vibrant communities for all, through education, research, awards, and advocacy.

New Housing Resource from our friends at the American Planning Association (APA)

  • 1.  New Housing Resource from our friends at the American Planning Association (APA)

    Posted 05-16-2024 05:03 PM

    Check out the APA Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook at Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook

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    Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook
    The Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook is for local elected officials and community planners working to boost diverse, attainable, and equitable housing supply in communities nationwide.
    View this on American Planning Association >

    Note Kimberly Driggins, Steering Committee member for this publication and Executive Director of the Washington Housing Conservancy will be the Keynote speaker at AIA Housing and Community Development's Touring Symposium: A Tale of Two Districts on Wednesday June 5, 2024 at the AIA Conference. 

    Kathleen Dorgan FAIA
    Dorgan Architecture & Planning
    Storrs CT