Small Project Design

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  • 1.  AIA Framework for Design Excelence

    Posted 02-09-2024 02:23 PM

    I am thinking about AIA's Framework for Design Excelence, and how is or can be applied to small projects.   

    What are your experiences with applying The Framework to your small projects?

    Are there aspects of small projects where The Framework has more difficulty being applied?

    Does The Framework come to mind at all when planning, and designing small projects, or is it something that gets shoehorned in at the end, when submitting for competitions?

    Jeremy Miller AIA
    Metropolitan Design Studio + Architecture
    Portland OR

  • 2.  RE: AIA Framework for Design Excelence

    Posted 07-10-2024 05:41 PM


    You hit a hot button for me. However, I'd prefer to talk about it off-record for now. I'm a solo practitioner, so let's say I have a strong opinion on the topic.

    Lee Calisti AIA
    lee CALISTI architecture+design
    Greensburg PA

  • 3.  RE: AIA Framework for Design Excelence

    Posted 07-12-2024 01:51 AM
    Edited by Daniel B. Blair AIA 07-12-2024 01:51 AM


    In my past experience, the framework was treated more as a marketing gimmick, and not something that was discussed or reviewed for compliance throughout the design process. So unfortunately shoehorned.

    For my own projects, I would love to integrate the metrics into the design process, but let's be honest, managing this data in spreadsheets does not help the process. The AIA Excel spreadsheet provided is not the best interface. On top of it, if I am pursuing another certification (LEED, etc.), then that is another spreadsheet that I need to manage... This valuable data would be more functional if tracked in a database, not individual non-collaborative spreadsheets.

    Daniel Blair AIA
    DANKE developement
    Arlington VA