Interior Architecture Committee

2013 Interior Architecture Awards 

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BNIM Iowa   38 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
BNIM || The fundamental design objective for this project was to create an environment of collaboration in a space that engages the surrounding urban core. The space is organized around a central wall lined with cork panels and designed for critiques, display, and spontaneous collaboration. || Read more:
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Blessed Sacrament Chapel and Abbey Church Pavilion   40 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
VJAA || The addition and renovation of Marcel Breuer’s Abby Church complex blend seamlessly with the original 1950s structures. The project addressed the monastic community’s desire for a more open and accessible church and included renovation of the existing Chapter House, creation of a new sanctuary, and the addition a new two-level lobby. || Read more:
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Charles Smith Wines   45 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
Olson Kundig Architects || Former-band-manager-turned-winemaker Charles Smith wanted a tasting room and office space that matched his rock-and-roll style. The conversion of an auto-electric building retained its gritty aesthetic and resulted in a highly flexible space that can be transformed from a tasting room to a drive-through. || Read more:
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Chicago Apartment   34 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
VJAA || The 5,500-square-foot penthouse apartment, located in a new high-rise in the Midwest, includes four bedrooms and a custom-designed playroom. The clients are collectors of contemporary Asian art, and the display of their collection played a central part in the development of the spaces. || Read more:
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DocMagic   20 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
RA-DA || The design of this interior work space, for a technology company that transmits highly sensitive information over the Internet, had to convey the company’s strong virtual presence through an equally powerful physical environment. This objective was achieved, in short, with the unique play of light and careful sculpting of passageways that connect the open work spaces. || Read more:
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Lamar Advertising Corporate Headquarters   51 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
Eskew+Dumez+Ripple || At its core, the design of this new workplace for a billboard advertising company’s corporate headquarters is informed by some fairly basic tenets: People like variety; they need places to congregate; casual interaction fosters teamwork and creativity; natural light is a good thing; a little visual excitement can’t hurt. || Read more:
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McAllen Main Library   51 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. || The primary challenge of reusing an abandoned Walmart building was to create a highly functional, flexible library of 124,500 square feet on a single level. This area is equivalent to nearly two and a half football fields, making the new library the largest single-story library in the United States. || Read more:
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PACCAR Hall   46 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
LMN Architects || The new Foster School of Business converts the school’s existing collection of outdated facilities—through new construction and renovation—into a cohesive education complex that embodies its educational focus of leadership development, strategic thinking, and collaboration. The project includes two new, interconnected buildings and renovation of the subterranean library. || Read more:
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Todd Bolender Center for Dance and Creativity   52 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-28-2013
BNIM || Relocating the Kansas City Ballet (KCB) involved preservation and adaptive reuse of the 52,000-square-foot historic Power House at Kansas City’s Union Station, a former coal-burning plant completed in 1914. Listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2004, the building sat abandoned from the 1970s until 2006. || Read more: