Academy of Architecture for Justice

AAJ 2011 - Images fom the Law Enforcement track  

11-06-2011 01:13 PM

2011 AAJ National Conference in Los Angeles, CA. A few images I was able to capture from the Law Enforcement track.

#AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #2011AAJConference #Conferences

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11 Files
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Prototypes - Police Stations   2.36 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
Kelly Smith, AIA (left) and Brandon Anderson, AIA discussed prototype design in law enforcement in their presentation Evolution of a Design: Prototypes - Police Stations
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Keynote Speaker   1.69 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court Hon. Tani Cantil-Sakauye (left) with Kelly Quinn of the California Administrative Office of the Courtsdiscusses her vision for the future of California Courts.
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Accessibility For Justice Facilities   2.28 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
(Left to Right) Eric Sifuentes, Rod Higgins, and Lorenzo Lopez, AIA discuss common questions and issues for accessibility in Justice facilities.
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Justice and the Public Realm   2.41 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
Fred Basch, AIA(speaking) presents his work on the NYPD Central Park Precinct with Christopher Gembinski as part of their presentaition Justice and the Public Realm - Two Solutions for Urban Police Facilities.
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Justice and the Public Realm   2.42 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
Michael Moxam, Intl. Assoc AIA (left) and Tom Kyle presented their project, the Toronto Police Service 11 Division Station.
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Justice and the Public Realm   2.46 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
Christopher Gembinski and Fred Basch, AIA presented their work on succesfully expanding and renovating the NYPD Central Park Precinct
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Sustainability   2.47 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
An eight member panel consisting of design professionals from across the country discussed sustinable design in their presentation LEED-J: Developing a Sustainability Rating System for Justice. The panel consisted of Melissa Farling, AIA, Frank Green, FAIA, Julia Hughes, AIA, Susan Oldroyd, FAIA, Beverly Prior, FAIA, Ken Ricci, FAIA, and Raphael Sperry, AIA
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Forensic Science Facilities   2.25 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
James Aguilar, AIA and Michael Moxam, Intl Assoc. AIA, await the beginning of their presentation with Russell McElroy, AIA(not pictured) entitled Forensic Science Facilities: "When A Laboratory is Not a Laboratory".
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Forensic Science Facilities   2.36 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
From left to right James Aguilar, AIA, Michael Moxam, Intl. Assoc. AIA and Russell McElroy, AIA. Presenters for Forensic Science Facilities: "When A Laboratory is Not a Laboratory".
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Conference Opening   2.06 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
Conference Chair Lorenzo Lopez, AIA welcomes attendess to the Opening Plenary.
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Opening Plenary   2.08 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-06-2011
Chief Architect of the U.S. General Services Administraion Leslie Shepherd, AIA discusses Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan's Guiding Principles.