Committee on Architecture for Education

  • 1.  architecture for education

    Posted 01-10-2012 12:04 PM
    A tremendous step forward would be to familiarize yourself with the recently published Finnish Lessons by Pasi Sahlberg.  Finland, a country of just over 5 million has one of the highest literacy rates, plus being multi-lingual.  Their teachers are taken from the cream of the crop of university graduates and require a minimum of a master's degree (U.S. teachers are typically from the lower 1/3 of university graduates).  And, they don't work to "standardized" tests.  Then look at Finnish educational architecturee.  It's about the students.  It would be good if the CAE could bring Reino Tapaninen, Chief Architect of the Finnish National Board of Education to the States for a series of conferences (East Coast, Midwest and West Coast) to delve into the design theories of Finnish educational architecture.   You could consider also bringing Juhanni Pallasma, a leading figure in Finnish design thought.

    for further contact:

    Reino Tapaninen, Chief Architect
    Finnish National Board of Education
    PO Box 380
    FIN-00531 Helsinki

    Juhanni Pallasmaa / Architect
    Arkkitehtitoimisto Juhani Pallasmaa KY
    Tehtaankatu 13 B 29
    FIN-00140 Helsinki
    Brian A. Spencer AIA
    Brian A. Spencer Architects
    Carefree AZ

  • 2.  RE:architecture for education

    Posted 01-11-2012 08:20 PM
    Thanks Brian.  We certainly have lots to learn from the Finns.

    Stanford will host Pasi Sahlberg (and their own Linda Darling Hammond) next week

    The New York Times wrote about him and his book:

    And Dan Rather will feature Finnish education next week as well:

    Victoria Bergsagel
    Architects for Achievement
    Mercer Island WA


  • 3.  RE:architecture for education

    Posted 01-12-2012 08:37 PM
    Here's an article by Pasi Sahlberg that was published by Ed Week today.

    And I agree.  CAE, let's bring Reino back to the US!

    Victoria Bergsagel
    Architects for Achievement
    Mercer Island WA