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2699 Entries
9 years ago
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Handout for K-12 Educational Design for Safety and Security Webinar

#CAE #CommitteeonArchitectureforEducation #K12 #webinar

9 years ago
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9 years ago
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9 years ago
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#HistoricResourcesCommittee #InterfaithForumonReligion,Art,andArchitecture #Conferences #CommitteeonDesign #PublicArchitectsCommittee

9 years ago
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You're Invited to Attend the First Conference on Preservation and Stewardship of Historic Places, in Yellowstone National Park, September 30 - October 2, 2014 This conference is for ...

9 years ago
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From Grime to Sublime: Standards for Cleaning Masonry Buildings October 10-11, plus special workshop on October 12, 2014 Sponsored by the AIA Historic Resources Committee, the Frank ...

9 years ago
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Download the Schedule at a Glance to get an idea of the flow of the conference. Times and activities are subject to change.

#AcademyonArchitectureforJustice #Conferences

9 years ago
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During the month of June, HRC Chair Peyton Hall, FAIA helped AIA Advocacy and Government Affairs staff prepare and deliver a letter to NPS Director Jonathan B. Jarvis – which was cosigned ...

9 years ago
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During the month of June, HRC Chair Peyton Hall, FAIA helped AIA Advocacy and Government Affairs staff prepare and deliver a letter to NPS Director Jonathan B. Jarvis – which was cosigned ...

9 years ago
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During the month of June, HRC Chair Peyton Hall, FAIA helped AIA Advocacy and Government Affairs staff prepare and deliver a letter to NPS Director Jonathan B. Jarvis – which was cosigned ...
