Calling all AIA24 attendees! Washington D.C. is gearing up for a landmark event in architecture and design, and you won't want to miss it. This year's AIA Conference on Architecture & Design (AIA24) is bringing together the brightest minds in AEC for four power-packed days (June 5-8) Be sure to mark your calendar for the official HRC event, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. AIA24 boasts a lineup of incredible sessions designed to inspire, educate, and connect you with the future of design.
This is your chance to dive deep into the latest trends, network with industry leaders, and discover innovative solutions to today's most pressing challenges. AIA24 promises to be an unforgettable experience – register now and be part of it!
HRC events
Stewardship in the Monumental Core of Washington, D.C.: AIA Historic Resources Committee Luncheon
EV215 | 12:00am-2pm | $115 | Register here
The monumental core of Washington, DC is a rich tapestry and cultural landscape of iconic museums, memorials, and public spaces that belong to and are enjoyed by visitors and local residents year round. What does it take for the owners of these precious public resources to be stewards of these significant places? Join the AIA Historic Resources Committee (HRC) for a lively conversation about stewardship in the monumental core of Washington, DC with some of the leading professionals charged with their operation and stewardship. The complex work must take into account a host of considerations including technical challenges, accessibility, resiliency, sustainability, security, new and infill construction, evolving program needs, social equity, landscapes, infrastructure, funding, inter-agency coordination, and planning. Participants will learn how these institutions promote the long view and ensure preservation is balanced with meeting contemporary needs to maintain vitality and relevance. The program will include a short presentation by moderator Thomas Jester, FAIA, FAPT, of Quinn Evans to frame the topic and will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives from the National Gallery of Art, the National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and DC Historic Preservation Office.
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Speaker and Moderator:

Thomas C. Jester, FAIA, FAPT, LEED AP
Quinn Evans
Thomas Jester, FAIA, FAPT, LEED AP, is a Principal and Chief Operating Officer at Quinn Evans. Tom is among the nation’s leading professionals in the preservation of historic buildings with particular expertise of Modern-era architecture. He is the editor of Twentieth-Century Building Materials: History and Conservation, which was republished by the Getty Conservation Institute in 2014. Some of his notable projects at Quinn Evans include the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC, Benjamin Franklin Museum in Philadelphia, the National Air and Space Museum, and the Arvonne Fraser Library in Minneapolis. Mr. Jester holds a B.A. from Colby College (1988), a Master’s degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania (1991), and a Master of Architecture from the University of Maryland (1999).

Peter May
Former Associate Regional Director for Lands and Planning
National Capital Region
National Park Service
Peter G. May, AIA retired from the National Park Service in 2023, having served for more than 15 years as Associate Regional Director for Lands and Planning for the National Capital Region. There he was responsible for real property operations, major planning efforts, government affairs, and the establishment of new memorials on parkland in Washington, DC. He previously worked for the District of Columbia government, the Architect of the Capitol, Weinstein Associates Architects, Quinn Evans Architects, and was Vice President for Administration at the National Building Museum. He served on the National Capital Planning Commission for 15 years representing the Secretary of the Interior, and on the DC Zoning Commission, representing the Architect of the Capitol (three years) and the Director of the National Park Service (15 years). May received his Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies from Georgetown University and Master of Architecture from the University of Maryland.

Susan B. Wertheim, RA
Chief Architect and Deputy Administrator for Capital Projects
Office of Architecture and Engineering
National Gallery of Art
Ms. Wertheim leads the Office of Architecture and Engineering at the National Gallery of Art where she oversees the planning, design and construction of capital projects. During her tenure, the National Gallery’s campus has undergone phased renovations and infrastructure improvements, starting with the West Building’s Sculpture Galleries, transformation of its art care areas, the East Building’s re-cladding, public space renovations and gallery expansion projects. Ms. Wertheim’s career began in private practice in Boston with historic buildings prior to moving to DC to work on museum planning, design, and construction; first at the Smithsonian Institution and now at the National Gallery of Art. She has presented at the Association for Preservation Technology International Conference, Building Museums conferences, lectured for the George Washington University Museum Studies program and conducted AIA chapter hardhat tours. She holds a BArch from Cornell University and a Master’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Carly Bond
Acting Associate Director, Architectural History & Historic Preservation
Office of Planning, Design, and Construction
Smithsonian Institution
Carly is the Acting Associate Director for Architectural History and Historic Preservation for the Smithsonian Institution, where she oversees capital projects, Section 106 compliance, and contracts for architectural conservation and historic preservation services. She holds a MS in Historic Preservation from Columbia University and a BFA in Art History from the University of Florida. Carly moved to DC and joined the Smithsonian in 2016 after working for over a decade with the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission as a Deputy Director in the Preservation Department. Carly is dedicated to public service through historic preservation and stewardship of the Smithsonian’s diverse collection of historic buildings.

David Maloney
State Historic Preservation Officer
DC Office of Planning
District of Columbia
David Maloney is the State Historic Preservation Officer for the District of Columbia. He has engaged in preservation, urban design, and development in Washington for 45 years, as a community volunteer, staffer for the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, and member of the DC Historic Preservation Office since 1985. With his extensive experience, he became the SHPO in 2007 and as Associate Director for Historic Preservation in the DC Office of Planning, represents the Mayor on the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission. Mr. Maloney received his architectural training at Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania, and his graduate degree in urban planning with a concentration in historic preservation from George Washington University. He is the recipient of the 2008 Charles Atherton Award from the Georgetown Citizens Association, 2008 Stanford White Award from the Patterson House Foundation, and 2011 Glenn Brown Award from the Washington Chapter of the AIA.
Earn 3.5 HSW|LUs Unlocking the Power of Historic Preservation: Part 1—Understanding the Federal Historic Tax Credit Program
NPS100 | 9:00 am-1 pm | $49 | Register here
Dive into the heart of preservation and heritage through this enriching journey offered in collaboration with the National Park Service. Two captivating half-day training seminars will delve into tax credits and the latest updates to preservation standards, exploring innovative strategies and best practices that will shape the future of preservation.
You'll gain valuable insights into leveraging the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) Program and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation to breathe new life into historic buildings. Whether you're an architect, historian, or simply passionate about preserving our cultural legacy, this is one event you won't want to miss.
This is part one of a two-part series. See NPS200 The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation on Saturday, 9am–1pm.
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Earn 3.5 HSW|LUs Unlocking the Power of Historic Preservation: Part 2—The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation
NPS200 | 9:00 am-1 pm | $49 | Register here
You'll gain valuable insights into leveraging the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) Program and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation to breathe new life into historic buildings. Whether you're an architect, historian, or simply passionate about preserving our cultural legacy, this is one event you won't want to miss.
This is part two of a two-part series. See NPS100 The Federal Historic Tax Credit Program on Wednesday, 9am–1pm.
Part 2: The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation
Examine the flexibility and cumulative effects of the standards in guiding rehabilitation projects and learn how to apply the standards to ensure your project meets historic preservation objectives while achieving modern functionality.
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Speaker and Moderator:
Brian Goeken
Chief of Technical Preservation Services
National Park Service
Brian Goeken, AICP, is chief of the Technical Preservation Services (TPS) Division of the National Park Service (NPS). The NPS, in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Offices, administers the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program with the Internal Revenue Service. Since the program's inception in 1976, it has generated over $132 billion (QREs) in private investment in historic rehabilitation, in communities large and small throughout the nation—and is the Federal government's largest and most effective program promoting historic preservation and community revitalization through historic rehabilitation. TPS also issues the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, which include the Standards for Rehabilitation widely used at the national, state, and local levels, as well as for the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) program; and develops other historic preservation guidance and technical information on preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings. Information about TPS and the tax incentives program is available at Prior to joining the NPS in 2011, Brian worked for the City of Chicago for 15 years and was a Deputy Commissioner in the Planning and Development Department for 10 of those years; the City of Pasadena; and in an architecture, historic preservation, planning, and urban design firm in New York City. He has over 30 years of experience in historic preservation, urban planning, architecture, economic development, and urban design. The two half-day NPS seminars on the tax incentives program and the Standards will be led by Brian and TPS staff.
Other sessions of interest
Harvard University's Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection
1:15pm ET128 1.50 LUs/HSW/RIBA
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An Invitation for All: Transforming the Folger Shakespeare Library
2:00pm TH119 1.50 LUs/RIBA
Reinventing an Historic Landmark for Now and All Time
4:00pm TH201 1.00 LU/RIBA
Excavating Buried Truths: Afrocentric Architecture
2:00pm TH116 1.50 LUs/RIBA
The Diplomatic Reception Rooms: Where Classic Americana Meets Diplomacy
10:15am ET116b 2.50 LUs/HSW/RIBA
The Virginia Mae Center: A Case Study in Historic Preservation
10:15am ET206 3.50 LUs/HSW/RIBA
Having It All: Merging Seismic Retrofit & Historic Preservation
2:00pm FR201 1.50 LUs/HSW/RIBA
An Invitation for All: Transforming the Folger Shakespeare Library
2:00pm ET216 1.00 LU/HSW/RIBA