Regional and Urban Design Committee

Observations from last Friday's AIA Smart Cities Roundtable

  • 1.  Observations from last Friday's AIA Smart Cities Roundtable

    Posted 10-12-2015 09:43 AM

    The Global Search for Smart Cities

    Friday morning at 8:45 am I don't boot up my desktop computer in my office but instead peer out a window that overlooks New York Avenue, where it is only a few hundred feet from the White House.
    Presently one of those big black mega SUVs pulls up , four people get out and gather on the sidewalk, eyeing the gap between the modern AIA headquarters and the historic Octagon Museum. "That's them", says the young man who had already been in AIA's Frank Lloyd Wright meeting room when I entered it. A fluorescent green bicycle lapel pin that I had last seen at a reception with Congressman Blumenauer suggested that the young man was one of his aides.
    In a moment introductions were exchanged and Australian sounds filled the room. I recognized Andrew Barr from a picture that I had googled, the man is not a household name in the US, in spite of his impressive portfolio. Anything Australian, really resides in some kind of Bermuda Triangle of reporting and ignorance, who here knows who the Prime Minister is or that Canberra is, indeed, Australia's Capital? But in spite of all the strangeness, the topics of discussion proved strikingly familiar as I would soon find out. 
    So here I stood and chatted with Andrew Barr MLA, "Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development and Minister for Urban Renewal and Minister for Tourism and Events of ACT. If Canberra ever feels neglected, this man has nobody else to blame, he is essentially Secretary, Governor and Mayor all in one combining three tiers of governance in one single person! For a moment I wonder what such a person could do for DC and if this would be appropriate representation. ....Read full article

    The Canberra delegation with Andrew Barr (center) speaking at AIA's Smart Cities Roundtable last Friday
    ....Read full article

    Klaus Philipsen FAIA
    Archplan Inc. Philipsen Architects
    Baltimore MD