Regional and Urban Design Committee

  • 1.  GOALS

    Posted 01-23-2015 12:16 PM
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussion Forums: Regional and Urban Design Committee and Committee on Design .
    I posted two blogs entitled "TWO QUESTIONS" and "TWO QUESTION FOLLOW-UP" and have again been banned from posting blogs. I think the second post was the one that offended. I wanted to relocate the city design goal and add the following to the second blog. That's when I found that I was banned. I'd at least like to get the goals completed before I'm banned entirely. I do plan to continue posting and updating "Cities and Design" at however, when I find time away from my book.

    City Planning Goals

    1. To protect our source of life by geographically defining the Built and Natural Domains.
    2. To coordinate the land use allocation of shelter capacity and intensity; movement corridors; open space; and life support systems within a limited Built Domain that protects our source of life; our quality of life; and the financial stability of our shared municipal organizations.

    City Design Goal

    To shelter growing populations within a limited Built Domain that protects their quality and source of life - the Natural Domain.

    Architectural Goals

    1. To coordinate land use allocation with shelter capacity, intensity and economic benefit at the project level, since the aggregation will determine our quality of life within a limited Built Domain.
    2. To improve the design of shelter context, composition, capacity, intensity and symbiotic function within a geographically limited Built Domain.
    3. To improve the tools, knowledge and concepts needed to achieve the preceding goals.
    4. To expand private practice into the public domain and workplace by offering the ability to improve public benefit.

    Common Collaborative Goal

    To build a network (of professional organizations) to achieve the preceding goals through research, collaboration, education and practice

    Walter Hosack
    Walter M. Hosack
    Dublin OH